Indignation (3)

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Eizan Territory, 54th Tennet Drive, Silver's home

7th September 2315, Monday 10:19p.m.

Placing the last dish by the drying racks, I wipe the sink clean before proceeding to check on the fridge. Cheese. Eggs. Chicken. And bread on the table. All the ingredients needed for Silver's breakfast are present. All that's left is to go shopping for vegetables tomorrow and re-stock on oil, or I won't be able to whip up a balanced meal for his dinner in the coming week. Fortunately, he has a street race tomorrow night and will be having dinner outside so I'm not exactly in a rush.

As his second-in-command, I've planned my schedule for the weekdays in order to cater to his new life and serve him more efficiently. Like today, I'll be waking up at 5:30 in the morning, shower and get dressed by 6, then begin to prepare breakfast for him. I'll then wake him up at 6:25, giving him 5 minutes of extra time to laze around in bed before washing up. He should be dressed and prepared for school by 7. At 7:30, Silver should be finished with breakfast, and Nicolai will require 20 minutes at most to fetch him to school, which is more than sufficient time to meet his 8a.m. schedule. As for the rest of the day, it'll be easy for me to sort my duties for both the Red Dragons and Silver. It's just the morning period that's a little tricky to juggle with.

"Glad he liked dinner tonight~♫" I hum to myself before leaving the kitchen.

Once I've switched off the kitchen lights, blackness engulfs the interior of the entire house. With only the moonlight shining through the windows to guide me, I proceed to climb the stairs. Silver should be preparing to sleep by now. Unlike myself, he's not much of a morning person.

Upon arriving at the second level of the house, I notice that there isn't any artificial light present through the gap under the door of Silver's room. With a sigh, I already know that he's lying on the rooftop and thinking about what I've said tonight, about his views of the Eizans. I've literally lived with him for most of his life, so I know him better than anybody else. Even his own parents.

I gently turn the doorknob before sliding it open. A powerful gust of chilly wind blasts against me as I open the door. Just as I anticipated, Silver isn't in his room. As usual, his desk is littered with all sorts of things that aren't even remotely useful for his academic needs. Penknives, expensive accessories, and various electronic gadgets lay strewn all over the table. Dirty clothes lay scattered about on the carpeted floors, and his queen-sized bed is a mess as well. I'll need to set aside some time for housecleaning tomorrow, although technically it'd have been easier to sort his room out if only he'd let me sleep with him...

The thought of spending the night with Silver immediately causes my cheeks to flush and my heart to pound. Not now, not a time like this. Shaking my head to clear these thoughts, I make my way towards the end of the room. The large, double windows are wide open. Climbing onto the sill, I reach out to the hand-guards by the side of the walls before making my way onto the cold, ceramic roofs. As always, Silver is laying on the roof of the attached balcony at the opposite side.

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