Meet them.

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The Introduction.


"Fab5 is basically the popular . Manik , Zayn, Louis, cabir and harry know each other since they were like 4. Manik and zayn knows and understand each other very well. They're practically like brothers. Cabir and louis likes to prank and joke around alot. And our curly hair lad well he is cheeky and flirty"

Manik Malhotra: Manik is the normal 18 year old guy. But he is hella rude and arrogant. He is a sopiled rich brat. He is intrested in racing. Manik maybe be rude and full of himself but for his friend he can die and he can kill someone.He was born in india but after few months,his parents moved to bradford,london.

Zayn Malik: Zayn is the guy that every girl wishes was her. Tall,dark cute and handsome. Maybe he have the badboy image but yet he has a heart of gold. Zayn is an ambitious boy. He is passionate for art more. He is kinda secreative. He just like to keep everything to himself

'Cabir Dhawan: cabir may look like he is 18 but from his heart he is still 4 years old. He is the most cheeky person who likes to joke alot. Cabir loves drums. He loves to play them. He says playing drums gives him peace.

Louis Tomlinson: louis looks like cute and innocent,but he is the devil, not in a bad way. Every teacher in space academy is tired of louis's pranks and jokes. He is always laughing and enjoying. Louis loves soccer,he is the best on the football team

Harry Styles: harry is known as the ladies man. He knows how to treat a girl and how to respect them.But sometimes he can get a little out of hand. Apart from that everything about harry is perfect. He loves baking, he loves to bake and to cook.

The Dazzlers: dazzlers are popular too but not that much. They do all the good stuff to good people. Nandini,Mukti,Aliya,Niall,Dhruv and Liam They all are really different from each other. But yet fate made them best friends..

Nandini Taylor: nandini was born in half christian and half indian family. She is obbessed with fashion desiging. Her personality is just like an ordinary 18 year old. She is wild and outgoing.

Mukti Vardhan: mukti is complete tomboy. She loves skating. She is a boy in a girl's body. She have a thing for guaitrs. She sees playing it as her career.

Aliya saxena: Aliya loves computers and computers loves her. She is a blogger and a youtuber. She is cute and funny. If you gave aliya internet and a laptop,then you'll never see her again.

Niall horan: niall is from mullinger, Ireland. So that explains his irish accent. Niall looovees food like so much and golf too. He playes golf when he goes to ireland.

Liam Payne:liam is the example of a perfect student. He is well mannerd, he is smart, have good grades and well what not. He loves boxing. He sings too sometimes when is upset.

Dhruv Vedant:dhruv is suffereimg from anxiety,very weird type actually. Its not that bad but its not that good either. He plays guaiter and that his the love of his life. He is really close to nandini and liam.

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