Epilouge 2. by author Aziza.

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So guys the two epilouge defines the two different ending of the story

1) some of them were together and others werent

2) and dont worry the first epilouge that i posted has a second part which i am updating now.

Back to the story.

So the day arrived when Fab5 , helen and emily and kristen get on their flight to london.

Thei timing was differnt. Fab5 lands on morning at 11:00. Emily,helen and krsiten lands in the evening.

With fab5.

They all got their luggage and came out of the airport with their guards. Even here in london they have thousands of fans who listen to their songs.

"This is crazy". Nandini said waving at the crowd.

"I know. Never in million years we thought we could acheive something like this" cabir said signing some autographs.

They took pictures and sign autographs and then left for their hotel. They were staying at the statfords hotel. The hotel where every celeb stays when they come london for any events.

Newyork to london flight.

"Hy kris you need something"? Taylor asked.

"No. I am fine. How much time is left till we reach london"? She asked

"30 minutes". Robert replied

"Hmm. So what do we do"? Taylor asked.

"Let's play truth and dare".robert suggested.

"Okay. I'll go first. Kris truth or dare"? Taylor asked.


"Your deepest secret"?

She tought for a while and then replied, "None".

"What. C'mon there would be one"? Rob asked but she shooked her head.

The next 30 minutes they spend laughing and playing.

The plane landed and they took their luggage and came out.

There were soo many fans outside waiting for them

"Ma'am the reservation at manchester hotel is canceld you have to stay at the starford hotel". Macy said.

"S'okay macy" taylor said. They went to their cars and left for the hotel

One direction house.

"Damn. I am so excited" niall said.

"Me too. Guys what if manik and others are there also". Liam said

"How they can be there liam." Louis replied.

"Yeah they sing hindi songs" harry said making a point

"But this years oscars are for bollywood and hollywood singers and actors too" zayn said.

"Hmmm. True. What about zee we havent heard anything from her for the past 3 years". Niall said

"Niall we dont care. That girl doesn't care for our feelings that why should we..louis said angrily.

"Okay calm down dude." Harry said.

With emily and helen in the london hotel.

"I cant believe this is happening". Emily said as she laid on the big comfy bed.

"I know right. This is so crazy"Helen said.

"Hey are fab5 gonna be there"? Emily asked

"Maybe who knows" helen replied.

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