Chapter XXXVI

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The smell of Lynise's apple-scented hair filled Julian's nose as he kissed the top of her head. Underneath the covers, his hand found and cupped her naked bottom, and he felt Lynise readjust her position on his chest. He smiled and looked around their room. It was the honeymoon suite of one of the most expensive hotels in Barcelona, Spain. Over the four days that they'd been there, they'd only left their bed to eat, shop, and shower. They spent the majority of their time making love to each other like they never had before. Julian had noticed a drastic change in Lynise's sex drive, and for the first time since they'd been together, he was finding it hard to keep up with her.

Wrapping his arm around Lynise's waist, Julian rolled over. He looked down at her and kissed her on the lips. "Good morning."

"Good morning." Lynise placed her arms around Julian's neck. "Are you ready for breakfast?"

"I told you that you don't have to do anything for the next two weeks. Are you ready for breakfast?"

Lynise nodded, and Julian got up. He grabbed his robe and put it on before getting out of the bed. "What do you want, love?"

"Surprise me." Lynise sat up and watched as Julian walked over to the large kitchen. "And do it without the robe," she added, her voice full of lust.

Julian looked back at Lynise and grinned. "Whatever you want." He dropped his robe, revealing his firm, muscular body. He turned back around and began pulling food out of the refrigerator. "I think I'll keep it simple this morning. Waffles, eggs, sausage, and bacon. How does that sound?"

"That sounds great. Are you sure you don't want me to help?"

"I don't want you to do anything but relax, Lynise. Are you enjoying Barcelona?"

"Baby, it's beautiful here. How badly do you want to stay in Georgia?"

"I never planned on moving, but I'm not against it. Why? Do you like it here? Would you like to live here?"

"More than anything."

Julian cracked a few eggs into a bowl and turned on the stove. With a nod, he grabbed two skillets from the cabinet above the sink. "Give me five years at the most, two at the very least. As soon as I get our money in order, we'll pack up and move out here. I think the boys would like it."

Lynise squealed. "Are you serious?"

"I'm serious." The excitement in Lynise's voice only caused Julian's smile to widen. "The four of us could use a change of scenery."

Lynise's euphoric high ended immediately. "The four of us," she whispered. The issue that she'd been putting off for days suddenly presented itself to her again. Every time it entered her mind, she dismissed the thought with one simple phrase: I'll tell him tomorrow. Every time a tomorrow came and went, she justified her failure to share the news with him by telling herself that there was never a right time, an excuse that couldn't possibly work at that moment. Figuring that if there was ever a time to tell him, it would be then, Lynise pulled a nightgown out of the dresser beside the bed. She stood up and walked over to him. "Um, baby?"

"What's up?"

"I kind of have to tell you something. Promise that you won't get mad at me?"

Julian turned toward Lynise. "I think I've been pretty good at being patient so far, but I can't promise you that. Tell me what's up and we'll talk about... Lynise, are you okay?" Julian put down the spatula he was holding and grabbed Lynise's arm when she became visibly dizzy.

"I'm okay. Take the sausages off of the stove."

Julian did as instructed. "Is the smell bothering you?"

G.A.B.O.S. (Original Version)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora