Chapter VIII

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"Baby, get the door!" December called from his position in the bathroom. He turned around and looked at Tamia as he ran a comb through the abundance of soft, medium-length curls on his head. "And pass me the flat iron. I'm sick of this shit."

Tamia rolled her eyes and walked out of the room, ignoring his request for the flat iron. His hair was just going to return to its natural state two hours later, so it was best for him to not waste his time. She jogged down the stairs, almost tripping over Tania once she reached the bottom of them. She cursed loudly before picking Tania up and placing her on her hip. She slowed her pace to a hurried walk as she continued her trek to the front door.

She snatched it open, fully prepared to curse out whoever it was that had been knocking on it nonstop for over thirty seconds. When she saw who it was, she changed her mind. She smiled down at the little girl in front of her.

"Hi, princess," Tamia said. "Are you lost or something?"

The little girl shook her head and pointed over her shoulder. Tamia looked up to see Lynise, Tremaine, and a man she'd never seen before walking up the porch. Tremaine and Lynise were both holding a little boy, and the man behind them looked beyond pissed. Tamia stepped aside and allowed everyone to enter the house. Tremaine closed the door before the other man could go inside.

"What's good, Tamia?" he asked, taking a seat on the couch. He pointed to the child on his lap. "This is Jay-Sean. Lynise is holding Raequan, and that's my daughter Heaven."

Tamia waved at all of the children and placed her daughter on her feet. "This is Tania." She looked toward the door as Lynise opened it. "Hello," she said to the guy that stepped through it.

"Good afternoon," he started. "I'm-"

"Uninvited? Nobody important?" Tremaine interrupted, attempting to finish Julian's sentence for him. He directed his attention back to Tamia. "Where's December?"

"He's upstairs. I'll go get him. Tania, show the kids to the playroom." Tamia started to walk back up the stairs, but stopped when she saw December standing at the top of them.

"Here I am. I thought y'all were gonna drop by last night," he said, making his way into the living room as the children walked out of it. He dapped Tremaine up and gave Lynise a light hug. He looked at the unfamiliar man and frowned. "Who's this?"

"This is my fiancé. His name is Julian," Lynise answered with a smile. "Baby, this is Tamia and December."

"Nice to meet you." Julian extended his hand to December, who ignored the gesture.

"Same to you. Tremaine, I need you to come to the den with me. You and I have to talk business. Ladies, send the maid down to the den if you need anything," he said before walking off. Tremaine trailed closely behind him.

Lynise grabbed Julian's hand as he started complaining. "Why do you keep socializing with people that don't like me? What did I do wrong?"

Tamia led them to the playroom, trying not to laugh as Lynise soothed Julian's hurt feelings. Once they reached the room, Julian separated himself from the women and began to aid the twins in solving a small puzzle. Tamia and Lynise leaned against the wall a few feet away from the girls, who were flipping through the pages in one of Tania's coloring books.

"What's up with Julian?" Tamia asked, keeping her voice at a whisper. "I thought you were with Tremaine."

Lynise sighed. "It's complicated. Tremaine and I have history. We've been to Hell and back together, so we're willing to do anything for each other. If I call him, he's going to come running, and vice versa. He knows me better than Julian ever could, but he's not my man. Hasn't been for a long time. I'm marrying Julian. Tremaine and I will always be friends, but that's all we'll ever be. Friends."

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