Chapter II

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Tremaine took a long, deep toke of the vanilla Dutchmaster in his hand, and then exhaled the smoke through his nose and mouth at the same time. He used his free hand to run his fingers through the hair of the woman who was asleep on top of him. Besides the sound of her light snoring, the room was quiet, just like it was every Saturday morning. He made it a priority of his to spend every Saturday with the people that he loved, and not the people that he worked with. In Georgia, he'd let his second-in-command handle any problems that may have risen on Saturdays. Now, he figured that December and Anthony would take care of everything.

He took another puff of the Kush before putting it out and dropping the remnants of it in the ashtray on his dresser. He looked up at the clock on the other side of the room and saw that it was only a quarter to five. He'd been awake for four hours, after having only slept for a little more than two. He wasn't tired, mostly because that had been his sleeping pattern for the better part of his life. He was very much accustomed to sleepless nights.

Tremaine moved his body a little to find a more comfortable position. He immediately regretted his decision to do so, though, when he felt his partner stirring in her sleep. Seconds later, she lifted her head from his chest and rubbed her eyes. She looked down at Tremaine and smiled. "Good morning, baby," she said.

Tremaine returned her smile and pulled her head down to his face. He placed a gentle kiss on her lips, then one on her forehead. "I didn't mean to wake you up, Lynise. It's still early."

"Then why are you up?"

"You know how I am. You can go back to sleep if you want."

"No, I'm up. I want to be awake with you."

"Why? Wouldn't you rather be awake with your man up in Georgia? Did you forget that we're not a couple anymore?"

"I didn't forget. I don't even want to be in a relationship with your pompous ass. But right now, while we're alone-" she kissed him- "we can pretend that I'm still your woman." She kissed him again, this time holding her lips against his for several long moments, and then she sat up, exposing her naked body as the cover fell off of her shoulders. She positioned his hands on her plump bottom and began to rub his chest.

"Damn, Lynise," Tremaine laughed, "you don't want to thank God for another day first?" He kept one hand on her bottom and moved the other one to her chest. Apart from her gorgeous face, which was the result of her black, Persian, and Dominican bloodline, she had a body that often made straight females do double takes. Tremaine loved her D-cups and ghetto booty, which seemed to spill into any pants she wore.

Lynise moaned and held Tremaine's hand as he massaged one of her breasts. "Shit, God is gonna have to wait until I get mine." She started to kiss Tremaine again, but he kept her at a distance.

"I still don't understand why your sex drive is so crazy. I'm still drained from last night, ma." He paused. "Lynise, you been taking yo' shit regularly, right?"

Lynise hadn't even realized that they'd had several sessions of raw sex the night before until he asked that question. Since her fiancé's desire to have a baby prevented her from taking her birth control pills, she made a mental note to pick up a box of Plan B later on in the day. "Of course," she said. She laid on Tremaine's chest again. She'd missed being so close to him, and she loved the feeling of his skin against hers. She would have stayed in that position all day long if she could. She loved her fiancé, but he couldn't do the things that Tremaine did to her physically.

"Good," Tremaine replied. He started to say something else, but his thought process was cut short when he heard a light knock at the door.

"Daddy?" a soft voice called out from the other side of the door.

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