Chapter XV

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"White Ecuadorian roses- that's what I want, and it's non-negotiable. I'm paying you to supply me with what I ask for, so do your job and get me my damn roses!" Lynise exclaimed, readjusting her Bluetooth as she drove her truck into the city of Miami. She'd been on the road for over ten hours in some of the worst traffic she'd ever experienced, so she was already pissed off. The woman on the other end of the line telling her what she could and couldn't have only added fuel to the fire. "Julian, tell her to get me my roses!"

Julian let out a sigh- the first sound he'd made since they started the three-way call over twenty minutes before. "Baby, she told you that the Ecuadorian roses are in high demand right now. Everyone wants them. Why don't you just get the Eskimo roses?"

"I don't want Eskimo roses. If it weren't for the money issues you claimed to be having, I would have ordered them forever ago, and I would have been the reason that they're in high demand. My wedding day is in less than two months, Julian. I swear to God that if I don't have the roses I want..." Lynise paused and took a deep breath. "Julian, I'm not getting married in a venue filled with white Eskimo roses. That's all I'm gonna say."

"Okay. Just calm down, Lynise. Don't make any rash decisions. Camryn," he began speaking to the other woman on the line, "we really need these roses. I'll pay an extra twenty percent on whatever the price is. I'm sure that there's someone who's not getting married any time soon. By the time their wedding comes around, you'll be stocked up on Ecuadorian roses. Help me out."

The sound of keys being clicked could be heard as Camryn typed away at her computer. A few seconds later, she spoke up. "I suppose that I can do that. I'm not really allowed to, but I'll make an exception for you two."

"Thank you, Camryn. I'll call you in a few hours and make an official order."

"Okay. Have a nice day." Camryn hung up, leaving only Lynise and Julian on the line.

"Lynise, you can't ditch a wedding just because you didn't get the flowers you wanted," Julian scolded, even though he'd found her mini temper tantrum to be cute.

"Of course I can. These aren't the flowers that we sit on the tables at home, Julian. These flowers are for my wedding, and my wedding is supposed to be perfect. You're supposed to make sure that my wedding is perfect. I only plan to have one, so I'm doing it right the first time. I still think you should let me call my parents. The bride's father is supposed to pay for some things, too."

"Your parents have done enough for us already. I don't want them to feel like they're being used."

Lynise rolled her eyes. Her parents were multimillionaires who wanted nothing more than to spoil their youngest child. They lived to make her happy, so there was nothing that she and Julian could ask for that would make them feel as if they were being used. "Okay, Julian. If you say so. Listen, I just pulled up to Tremaine's house. I have to go."

"I need you to check into a hotel, Lynise. I'm gonna look at the balance on my card."

"I will. I love you, Julian. Bye." She hung up and parked the truck, pulling the key to Tremaine's house out of her purse in the process. She grabbed her bags and got out of the vehicle. Tremaine's car wasn't in the driveway, so she knew that he wasn't there. She let herself into the house and dropped her things off in his bedroom, taking out an outfit and a pair of shoes.

An hour later, after she'd showered, made herself something to eat, and color-coded Tremaine's closet out of sheer boredom, Lynise heard the front door open and close. She went into the living room and smiled when she saw Tremaine and the kids.

"Mommy!" the twins exclaimed, running over to Lynise and extending their arms to her.

She picked both of them up and kissed them on their foreheads. "I missed you two," she expressed while squeezing their small bodies until they said the word 'stop' through their laughter. She placed them back on their feet and walked over to Tremaine. She pulled him into a hug, allowing him to kiss her on the cheek in the process.

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