Chapter IV

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Tremaine watched as December's maid, Constance, swept up the remains of the cup Lynise had dropped less than five minutes ago. He looked between Tamia and Lynise, wondering how they knew each other. Lynise had only been in Miami for six days, and he'd barely let her out of his sight during that time. He figured that she could have met her when she was out with Heaven that day, but he refused to believe that Miami was that small. It was simply too big of a coincidence.

December thanked Constance, and then she exited the living room, leaving the couples alone. December sat on the love seat and patted the spot next to him, motioning for Tamia to sit down, and then he welcomed his guests to sit on the couch across from them. The four of them remained quiet while Constance passed through the living room one more time. Tremaine was the person that broke the silence.

"So, December, I understand that you have something for me."

December nodded. "I do. It's being packaged right now. For the time being, can we discuss why you're harassing my lil niggas already?"

Tremaine smiled and ran his hand over his locks. "You talking about Brian, or Billy... whatever his name is. Boondock. That's it."

"It's Billz. Check this out, I know how Billz is. Nigga is real slick out the mouth, so I understand why you did what you did. All I'ma say is this: you can't come in one day out the blue and expect the boys to fall in line. Let them get a feel for you. Earn their trust, then you start checking people. Especially the ones like Billz who have been down for me for years and haven't even gotten off the corner yet. How do you think he felt seeing a random nigga step in as boss?"

"Like less than a man, which he is. No disrespect, December, but Billz is a problem. He uses too many words and not enough actions, which raises a question. Do you have a team of debaters or drug dealers?"

"That depends on what different situations call for. I understand that your Georgia team may be used to your use of guerilla warfare tactics, but mine are more accustomed to problem solving through agreements and understanding."

"Alright. I can respect that, G. I'll calm down. For the time being, at least."

"That's all I ask of you. Here comes your work now."

Tremaine turned towards December's bedroom to see four of the most beautiful, half-naked women he had ever laid eyes on coming out of it. Each one of them was carrying a big brown box. He and December both stood to help them bring the rest of the boxes out. There were sixteen of them in all.

"Damn, playa, you running a hoe house or something?" Tremaine joked once the women were all gone.

"That's exactly what I'm doing," December answered with a straight face, throwing both Tremaine and Lynise for a loop. "It's big pimping over here, young."

Tremaine frowned. That wasn't the answer he was expecting. He had very little respect for pimps, especially since his own mother had been killed by one when he was a toddler. He didn't understand how any man could be comfortable with degrading women in that way, and he was even more baffled by how a woman could allow herself to be priced and sold.

He looked over to Lynise, whose eyes were fixated on Tamia. He turned to the younger girl, who was going through her phone at the moment. For the first time since meeting her, he noticed how pretty she was. He didn't think there was a woman in the world that could compete with Lynise where looks were concerned, but second place was sitting just a few feet away from where he was standing. When he'd met her a few weeks before, he would have never thought that she was a prostitute.

December followed Tremaine's line of vision and smiled when he realized what he was looking at. He instantly knew what was going through Tremaine's mind. "It's not even like that with Tamia, homie. That's my woman, my daughter's mother. I wouldn't put her out there like that. She belongs solely to me."

G.A.B.O.S. (Original Version)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu