Chapter XIV

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After surviving what he had deemed to be the absolute worst few weeks of his life, December allowed a broad smile to cover his face as he took his first steps as a free man. He was so happy to be able to move at will without being restricted by shackles that he practically skipped out of the courthouse. He welcomed the intense heat that the Miami sun released, and he was pleased to hear the familiar sounds of traffic and normal human life. He vowed at that moment that he would never take the little things in life for granted again.

Naomi stepped out of the courthouse behind December and patted him on the back. "How do you feel, big brother?" she asked, smiling at him and leading him to her car.

December made himself comfortable in the passenger's seat and inhaled deeply. "A nigga is ecstatic, sis. I have never been so happy to see sunshine in my life. The birds sound all beautiful and shit. Damn, I missed freedom."

"Hopefully, you'll actually appreciate it this time. I don't want to see you behind bars anymore, okay?"

"You got that."

"Good. You celebrating tonight?"

"Nah, I actually have some business to take care of. Drop me off at my house."

"You've been out of jail for five minutes and you already have business to take care of?"

"Yes and no. This is a personal matter, but it needs to be handled right away."

Naomi looked at him for a brief moment before directing her attention back to the road. She knew exactly what the so-called business he had to take care of was. She shook her head and sighed. Since she knew he wouldn't want her to know what his plans for the day were, she acted as if she didn't. "Don't do anything stupid today, December."

"Define stupid for me."

"That thing you're planning to do- that's stupid." Naomi pulled up in front of December's house. "I love you. Be good, and I'll see you later."

"You don't want to come inside for a minute? I can get you a drink and something to eat."

"I can't. I'm supposed to be working right now. My boss and coworkers are probably wondering where I am."

"Shit, it sounds like your boss has the same occupation as me. Let me find out, Naomi. That'll be your ass."

"The day I turn a trick is the day you stop pimping. Give me a hug and get out of my car."

December leaned over and embraced her. "I'll call you sometime before the month is over."

"Okay, and one more thing. I heard through the grapevine that you have this little vendetta with Santana Milano. You planning on going after him?"

"Yeah, I gotta teach that nigga a lesson about fucking with me."

"December... let it go. It's not worth it. Santana isn't worried about you. He's not at all concerned about you or the altercation that he doesn't even know he's a part of. Drop it."

"You're acting like you know Santana personally or some shit." December frowned and got out of the car. He leaned through the open window. "Something you want to tell me?"

"What I know is that a man like that isn't worried about some small-time drug dealer. He has bigger fish to fry. Besides that, you know about his hit men. They've killed people more powerful than Obama. Don't make them have to kill you too. You don't know half of what they're capable of."

"Neither do you, so let me handle this, a'ight?"

"December, don't-"

"Don't you have to go to work, Naomi?" December stepped away from the car. "I love you, sis. Bounce."

G.A.B.O.S. (Original Version)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora