Chapter fifteen.

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Him or myself?

Was I gonna chose to stay by his side and - maybe, maybe - be happy?

Or was I gonna be by myself and listen to what my father had told me from the day he passed away - only talk to the people that I am comfortable with and trust?

Did I trust, Tamaki?

I looked at his hand and reached out to it. Is this right? I thought. Is this what my father want? Would he approve me being with Tamaki?

I took back my hand and clenched it with my other. I looked at Tamaki with sad eyes and a confusing mind. I slightly opened my mouth, trying to speak, but nothing came out.

Tamaki had his purple eyes set on my, his hand still out for me to take it. He looked puzzled. Unknowing of what was going through my mind.

"What is it?" he asked me in concern, his eyes looking at my clenched hands. I took a deep breath and tried once more to speak.

"I don't know what to do. I'm s-scared." My eyes started to tear up. Am I ten? What is going on with me? I don't want to cry. I want to be happy, with Tamaki. Why am I having second thoughts? I yelled at myself in my head.

Tamaki saw my tears dwelling up and walked forward to me, bending his knee so he was looking up to me. "Don't cry. You're too beautiful to cry. Too valuable."

He used that word again. But what did it mean? What did he mean by that word?

"Wh-what do you mean b-by too valuable?" I asked, looking into his eyes.

He smiled slightly and blushed a little. "There's not many girls that I have wanted to meet outside of 'The Host Club'. And for you to leaving such a mark in me, wanting me to see you - makes you valuable to me."

My eyes widened. Did he really mean that? I had no idea someone thought like that for me. For someone to like me. (except for Tsubaki that is)

I tried to smile back to him. I wiped my tears out of my eyes and stood tall. Just like I did on the ice.

Tamaki looked up and stood up from the ground. He smiled and looked at me. His hair had gone white from all the snow that was falling down from the white sky. Still and silent snow.

He reached out his hand once more for me. I looked at it and took a deep breath.

I took my hand out and grabbed his.

His smile that came was amazing. I tried to smile back but ended up blushing instead.

"Come. Let's get inside to get some warmth." he said and gripped my hand harder.

And Tamaki and I lived together happily.
The end.

A Nervous Ouran-GirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon