NEW Author's Note 2.0

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Hello everyone!

Since I last posted that CRAPPY ending to the story, a lot has happened. I'm very sorry about that awful ending! To tell you the truth about that story: It started as an Instagram-story and I had actually no intension of ever finishing it, since it was "just supposed to be on Instagram". I wrote that story when I was about 15-16 years old and I didn't really know how to write a story... I still don't BUT THAT DOESN'T MATTER!

Anyhow; I'm not proud of it and I plan on taking some revenge to my former self:

I AM GOING TO RE-RIGHT THE STORY AND GET YOU THE ENDING YOU DESERVE! (also a little for myself and the characters)

Please look forward to it. It will take some time but it's got a REAL story to it.

Have a good day/night wherever you are in the world and I'll see you soon.

Be prepared.

A Nervous Ouran-GirlWhere stories live. Discover now