Thief of the heart

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Power girl again.

Your pov

You were currently walking around a outdoor market. It was five minutes before you found your target. A high paid lawyer famous from getting dangerous criminals get off scot free. You slowly made your way through the crowd before grabbing the lawyers wallet and running. This was your life, the life of a petty thief with nothing to his name. It wasn't a good life, but it was a life none the less. You were running through the streets before turning into a alleyway climbing on to a dumpster and jumping on to a nearby fire escape you quickly pulled the ladder up so your pursuers, two police officers, couldn't follow.

As you climbed higher you reahed the roof you smiled before turning to see four police officers ten metres away. You quickly ran to the edge of the building stopped at the edge before one of the officers stepped forward.

"Give it up,we got now." He stated in a serious tone.

You looked over the edge before facing the police.

"Gentleman this is the day you will always remember as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow!" You declared before leaping off the building and into a mountain of trash.

The police officers ran to the edge only to see you running out of the alleyway below.

With you

"All that for stealing a wallet?" You asked as you looked through the wallet finding almost a hundred dollars.

After you toke the money you tossed the wallet over the edge of the building you were sitting on.

Karen's pov

I was walking along minding my own business. It was a quiet night and there was no crime so I was walking along in my costume bored outta my mind, it was around this time a wallet hit the ground in front of me.

"Is someone up there?" I asked myself. I quickly flew up to find a man who was maybe nineteen sitting on the edge of the building.

"Don't jump." I shouted while grabbing him and pulling him away from the edge.

Your pov

"Don't jump." I heard some shout as a force pulled me away from the edge.

After gaining my bearings I got up to see a very beautiful woman with short blonde hair and piercing blue eyes but she was wearing a very revealing costume.

"Why did you try and jump?" She asked while gripping my shoulders and looking into my eyes.

"Hate to break it to you Blondie but I wasn't going to jump, I was just  sitting on the edge. You finished with a smile.

"Oh, sorry it looked like you were going to jump," She finished with a blush. "Oh here you dropped your wallet." She finished while handing you the stolen wallet.

"Oh don't worry about that I stole it off a rich guy." You finished with a smile.

"So your a thief." She declares while narrowing her eyes.

"I may be a thief but the guy I stole the wallet off is worse. He's a lawyer who gets dangerous scumbags out off prison and onto the streets." You finished while throwing the wallet off the building.

"And what's stopping me from taking you to the police?" She asked with a hint of venom in her voice.

"Your right. What's stopping you?" You asked while walking to the edge of the building and sitting down.

"You don't care about getting arrested?" She asked while walking over and sitting next to you.

"My only skills are pickpocketing,picking locks and fighting. Stealing is the only way I can live. You know the old saying, gotta eat to live, gotta steal to eat." You finished with a smile.

"I think that's from the movie Aladdin." She finished with a smirk.

"Same difference."

"So if your a thief, do you have anywhere to live?" She asked.

"Not really, I mainly sleep under bridges and places like that." You finished while looking out over the city.

You then felt power girl putting something in your hand.

"That's my apartment address. If you need somewhere to stay you can live with me." She finished before kissing you. You were shocked at first but quickly melted into it.

"I hope I see you again." She finished before flying away.

As you watched her fly away only one thing Was on your mind.

"Did I really just kiss a superhero?"

4 days later-Karen's pov

"It's been four days why hasn't he come?" I moaned while sitting on the couch.

It was around this time I heard knocking at my door. Quickly I ran to the door and opened it to find the man from four nights ago holding a bouquet of roses.

"Is your offer to stay still good?" He asked with a gentle smile.

"Yes it is. What toke you so long.. Im sorry I never got your name?" I finished in embarrassment.

"It's [y/n] [l/n] and I didn't want to show up empty handed so I spent the last few day pawning a few things I owned to buy you some roses." He finished with a slight blush.

"Why didn't you just steal the money to buy them?" I teased.

"The roses are for you, I didn't want to buy them with stolen money."

This shocked me. I could tell [y/n]'s words were true.

"This may sound cliché but I think you've stolen my heart [y/n]." I finished before grabbing and kissing him.

Your pov

"She's kissing. Yep it's official, I've died and gone to heaven." You thought as power girl kissed you.

As she broke the kiss, you both looked into each other's eyes, she was the first to speak.

"Karen Starr. That's my name." She finished while continuing to look at you.

"So is it safe to say Karen Starr is my girlfriend?" You asked with hope.

"Only if [y/n] [l/n] is my boyfriend." She finished as she kissed you again.

So yeah new one-shot. I've been lazy the last few days so I haven't been writing as much but I will be writing a rosario vampire one shot which is my new project and then wild night part 3... Maybe I'm having trouble writing it. But as always if you wanna see a one shot just ask.

One-ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora