Why do you love me?

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So I'm trying something new here. Usually I write a oneshot that's around 1500 words but now I think I might write a short story every so often so that you (the readers) get more fanfiction in your life. The main problem is I have a short attention span. I settle down to write and ten minutes later I've fucked off somewhere. So I want to ask you all if I should continue writing the short stories, if I do I WILL continue posting stories that average around 1500 words they just won't be published as quick, as I said I have a short attention span.

This story came to me as a thought and I just decided to write it as a short story.

Cinder Fall was confused, she was evil, it was a fact that she had killed people, at this point she could kill someone without feeling anything, she didn't pity the dead, why should she?

Still at this present moment in time she was confused, Cinder cared for very few in this world but those that she did care for she showed  compassion, but the one that she cared for the most was her boyfriend. Being the boyfriend of Cinder Fall people expected him to be a monster in human clothes, a killing machine that was unstoppable, but that look wasn't him, it wasn't who he was. The mighty Cinder Falls boyfriend was a simple bartender at Juniors club.

Dispite being a simple bartender Cinder loved him and he loved her, which is the reason for her confusion. It was 3am in the morning and Cinder was currently sharing a bed with her boyfriend (y/n) who was fast asleep with that goofy smile that Cinder loved. But Cinder couldn't sleep, how could this man love a killer like her, about three months into dating Cinder confessed everything to (y/n), Salem, the fall maiden the fact that she killed people, everything. It took a while for (y/n) to get his mind wrapped around everything but when Cinder promised to keep him safe when Salem took over Remnant he accepted, because he loved her.

Cinder just couldn't wrap her head around it, how could he love her? A woman who killed, a woman who was working on destroying most of human life on Remnant? The question had been plaguing her for days until she couldn't take it anymore, she had to have the answer.

"(Y/n), (y/n) wake up," Cinder stated while gently shaking her boyfriend awake.

"Cinder? Is something wrong?" You asked in a tired voice.

"I'm not sure, (y/n) what do you see in me? Why you love me?" Cinder asked in a slightly hurt tone.

"Cinder how could you ask that? I love you because your amazing, when I look at you I see a strong, beautiful woman. Someone who can take the world on and still come out looking as gorgeous as ever. But it's not just that, When I look into your eyes I see a woman who has suffered incredible hardships in her life, and I want to protect you from any more hardships. You're different Cinder, I like that." You finished in a hushed voice.

Cinder could barely contain herself, she wasted no time and engaged you in a passionate french kiss. Once Cinder broke the kiss she layed her head on your chest while you began to stroke her gorgeous obsidian mane.

"I love you too (y/n), I may be a sinner but you are my redeemer." Cinder stated in a tired voice. Just before she fell asleep she heard her boyfriend utter one last thing.

"You know Cinder I sometimes look at you and wonder how I got so damn lucky." You finished before drifting off to sleep

So should continue writing short stories along side my longer oneshot's? Let me know in the comments.

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