Weiss x male reader

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Couldn't think of a title for this story. I suck.

It was a normal day at beacon until.

"Fuck you Neptune," Weiss shouted at her now ex-boyfriend.

"Weiss I'm sorry," Neptune apologised.

"No you're not, but you're about to be," Weiss finished as she drew her weapon.

Neptune's first response was to run as fast as he could. Weiss watched him leave before dropping to her knees and crying. It was around this time she heard a male voice.

"Excuse me miss, are you alright?" The voice asked.

"I'm crying shouldn't that be a fucking clue if I'm ok or not." Weiss screamed in anger.

"Wait, Weiss is that you?" The voice questioned.

Weiss grabbed her sword and stood up in a defensive position. When she got to her feet she noticed a man around the same age as her. He was a little taller then her and he had [h/c] hair and [e/c] eyes, she had to admit this man was quite attractive.

"Who are you?" She asked in a dangerous tone.

"Weiss it's me [y/n][l/n]." The man finished with a smile.

Your pov

I saw Weiss's eyes widen a little when I told her my name. She then did something unexpected and ran and gave me a hug. After she broke the hug she looked me up and down.

"[y/n] what happened to you?" She asked with a small blush.

"Awesome right? Pretty different from the scrawny kid everyone picked on." You finished with a smirk.

"Well not everyone picked on you remember?" Weiss finished with a smirk of her own.

"You were the only one who stood up for me," you finished with a gentle smile. "Hey Weiss how about I take you out to dinner to repay you for helping me when we were kids?" You asked with a smile.

"That sounds great, I'd love too." Weiss finished with a blush.


You and Weiss were having dinner at a restaurant in vale talking about life when you were kid's.

"Seriously what happened to you? No offence but you were really scrawny when I last saw you." She finished while looking at the new you.

"Well after you left the other kids started messing with me again. One day a retired huntsman saw them beating me up and offered to train me to fight, and the rest is history. But there was another reason I wanted to get stronger," you finished with a blush.

"And what would this reason be?" Weiss questioned with a smile.

"It's kinda stupid but, I wanted to get stronger and maybe impress you someday with my changes." You finish in embarrassment.

"Yeah that is stupid, considering I already liked you when we were kids." She finished with a soft smile.

"As long as we're being honest here, I really liked you Weiss. Your the reason I decided to go to beacon." You finished while holding her hand softly.

"Weiss I love you. I've loved you since we were little kids." You finished with downcast eyes.

"I love you too." Weiss finished with a voice of joy.

You and Weiss leaned over the small table to share a soft kiss. As you two broke apart Weiss spotted Neptune enter the restaurant with another girl. Seeing Weiss's angry look you turned around to see a blue haired man with a woman sitting at a table.

"Weiss who is that?" You question while looking back at her.

"My ex." She finished with visable anger.

Thinking quickly you told Weiss to open up her scroll and record Neptune. Once she did this you made your way over to him

When you got there Neptune and the girl were laughing about something.

"Neptune, how could you cheat on me?" You shouted gaining the attention of everyone at the restaurant.

"What dude I don't even know you." Neptune finished with a blush as everyone was staring at him.

"Oh so that's the thanks I get for putting up with you and weird fetishes." You accuse while Neptune turns red.

"Dude im on a date right now." He finishes in a embarrassed tone.

"Oh well lets see if she will do that thing with the ice cube and the silk handkerchief, you wretched filthy pervert." You finished before picking up a glass of water and throwing it in his face. Finally you turned to Neptune's date.

"Trust me princess you could do so much better then him." You finished before walking away.

Weiss finished recording the whole scene before leaving with you.


You and Weiss made it back to beacon and you were currently outside her dorm room.

"[y/n] I don't know anyone that would do that for me." She finished with a smile.

"Anyone foolish enough to break up with you deserves it." You finished with a chuckle.

Weiss then wrapped her arms around you neck and pulled you down and kissed you with love. As the need for air arose you broke the kiss before looking into her eyes.

"I love you Weiss." You finished before pecking her lips.

"I love you too [y/n]. I'll see you tomorrow?" She asked with a blush.

"Of course Weiss." You finished before bidding her goodnight.

When Weiss entered the dorm she saw Blake,Yang and Ruby.

"Hey Weiss, what are you so happy about?" Yang questioned.

"Nothing special. Hey you guys wanna see a funny video?" Weiss finished as she held up her scroll.

Yeah, I wrote this as a Christmas gift for a friend

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