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Apologies if you find this story disturbing as it mentions suicide

Cinder Fall was known for craving power, to her power ment everything.

"Mercury,Emerald we have a mission." Cinder finished as looked over her scroll.

"What is it?" Mercury asked as he looked up from his own scroll.

"Romen Touchwick told me there's a mercenary in vale with a huge amount of aura and a powerful semblance." Cinder finished in curiosity.

"And what semblance would that be?" Emerald asked while stepping next to Cinder.

"Nobody knows. He keeps it hidden, but make no mistake, its a dangerous semblance and he's not afraid you use it to kill." Cinder finished in a dark voice.

"And you want to hire him?" Mercury asked in a questioning tone.

"No. I want him to join us." Cinder finished in a sultry voice.

Your pov

You were laying on a bed in a old wooden cabin.

"Dirty rotten bastard's." You cursed while counting what little money you had. "How's a man ment to gain riches and reputation when he's paid in such small pisspot amounts." You finished in anger.

A beating on your door brought your attention back to the real world. You got up and opened the door to find three people standing outside. One was male and had grey hair and wore mostly grey, he was a very pale skinned man but he had a sense of confidence around him. The second was a mocha skinned girl with mint coloured hair, the girl seemed to have a ever-present smirk on here face. The third person wasn't a girl no, she was a woman, a beautiful woman who gave off a powerful and dangerous aura. She was definitely your type.

"May I help you?" You asked with a bored look on your face.

"That depends." The woman stated. "Are you [y/n] [l/n]?" The woman asked in a sultry voice.

"Who's asking?" You answered back in a gruff voice.

"Cinder Fall and if you are [y/n] [l/n] the mercenary I have a little deal for you, may we come in?" Cinder asked in a neutral tone.

"Of course miss Fall." You finished with a smirk as Cinder, Mercury and Emerald entered you small cabin.

"Nice place you have here [y/n]." Mercury stated in sarcasm.

"Go fuck yourself pisspot, I wouldn't be living here if I had the money to move, but oh no I was deemed to violent to be a huntsmen." You finished in anger.

"But you're a mercenary shouldn't people be hiring you?" Emerald questioned.

"It's difficult when you have a problem taking orders from people." You finished while opening a bottle of scotch and taking a drink from it.

"So [y/n] people say you have a intresting semblance, care to show us?" Cinder asked with a smirk.

You cracked a demonic smile before you clicked you fingers. It was then Emerald walked to the centre of the room.

"Wait,what's happening? Cinder I'm not doing this." Emerald finished in panic before drawing one of her guns and placing at the side of her head. As her finger started to tighten on the trigger everyone looked at Emerald in fear but just as she was about to pull the trigger you clicked your fingers and she dropped the gun and fell to her knees.

"My semblance allows me to control people, to manipulate them and make them do things they wouldn't normally do like for example shoot themselves." You finished in a dark tone.

"You son of a bitch," Mercury finished before approaching you. Emerald then got to her feet and intercepted Mercury halfway by punching him in the face.

"Another benefit of my semblance, I can use people as weapons and turn them against there friends." You finished with a smirk.

"Mercury control yourself. Well mr [l/n] your semblance certainly is a useful one." Cinder finished in a calm voice.

"Please mr [l/n] was my father, call me [y/n] and I believe you wanted to hire me?" You finished before taking another drink of scotch.

"No, we want you to join us." Cinder finished with a small amount of fire in her eyes.

"Listen beautiful, I'm driven by reckless desire, I work for whoever pays me a decent amount, why would I join you?" You question while looking Cinder dead in the eyes.

"Mercury,Emerald leave us and head back to base." Cinder stated in a dark tone.

"Yes Cinder." They both answered in unison. After they left you went to a cabinet and retrieved a bottle of red wine and two glasses.

"So tell me miss Fall what use would I be on your team?" You question while pouring and glass of wine for yourself and Cinder.

"Well for starters your semblance could help us control people and kill them and make it look like suicide." Cinder finished with a evil smile.

"And what do I get out of this deal?" You asked before drinking your wine.

"Anything you desire. Guns,women,money anything you want even power." Cinder finished in lust filled voice.

"Power is dangerous. Power attracts the worst and corrupts the best." You finished while looking into Cinder's eyes.

"Power doesn't corrupt people, people corrupt power." Cinder finished with a smirk.

"You know miss Fall a side effect of my semblance is that I can read minds. So I know what you're thinking about right now." You finished with a smirk.

"And what am I thinking?" Cinder asked while standing up and walking slowly towards you.

"You're thinking, this man is very attractive I wonder if he's single?" You finished with a smirk.

Cinder adopted a smirk of her own before she sat on your lap facing you. "Now what am I thinking?" She asked in a sultry voice while gently kissing your neck.

"Now you're thinking, I don't give a fuck if he's single or not, he belongs to me. My my Cinder I never knew you were so possessive." You finished while pulling Cinder closer to you and kissing her with passion.

"With our combined semblance's we can rule all of Remnant." Cinder finished in moan as you kept kissing her neck.

"They will fall to their knees and beg mercy but will show them none. We are alpha and omega, the end and the beginning. We are the new world order." You finished in a demonic voice.

"Do you know what I'm thinking now?" Cinder asked in ecstasy.

After reading her thoughts you picked her up and carried her to the bedroom.

Timeskip morning

You woke up the next morning sporting numerous bite marks on your neck and chest. A few moments later Cinder woke up and blushed when she saw her handiwork on your neck.

"Sorry about your neck and chest." Cinder apologised while kissing the marks on your neck.

"You didn't seem to sorry when you gave them to me last night." You joked while holding her close.

"So what should we do now?" You asked while running your hand down Cinder's naked back.

"Well first we have a little more fun in bed, then we vist Romen Torchwick." Cinder finished while hugging your chest tight.

"Why would we visit that prick," you questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"He's of no use to me anymore and I thought we could use you're semblance to make him suicide himself." Cinder finished in a evil tone.

"You are evil Cinder, it's such a turn on." You finished before kissing her with lust.

I am one fucked up individual

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