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Just a few omakes I wrote this morning. Enjoy.

Omake 1

Weiss was enjoying herself, she and the rest of team Rwby were currently having brunch with her sister Winter. It was a relaxing time until Yang's scroll began to ring.

"Oh look Ruby dad's calling me. Let's go talk to him." Yang stated as she and Ruby left. A few minutes later Blake's scroll began to ring too.

"What a coincidence, my dad's calling me too." She announced before leaving to speak to him.

It was just Winter and Weiss now. Until Weiss's scroll which was sitting on the table began to ring.

Winter took a moment to look at the screen to see the name 'Daddy' pop up.

"Weiss I don't mean to judge but why do you still call father 'Daddy'?

Weiss without breaking eye contact with Winter lifted her scroll and answered it "hello (y/n)"

The entire place watched as Winter did a spit take.

Omake two

You were heading back to Cinders dorm after a meeting with Torchwick. You were tired and you desperately wanted a drink thankfully Neo went on a run for beer and whiskey. You also wanted to see your girlfriends Cinder and Neo. You were already dating Cinder when the two of you met Neo, both you and Cinder couldn't resist her and the rest is history.

You had reached the dorm when you heard music playing (naughty by pandaboyz) you opened the door to see a very drunk Cinder and Neo dancing. Neo was bend over in front of Cinder with smacking Neo's as in a very provocative way. Cinder also had some writing just about her womanhood reading 'Neo was here'.

You stared at them with a mix of confusion and love. You then did the only thing you could do. You removed your t-shirt before lifting both women by their waists and carrying them to bed. In the morning the team in the room next to yours complained because of all the screaming, moaning and banging.

Omake three

You walked into the cafeteria to see team Jnpr sitting around. You sat next to Jaune with a sad smile.

"What's with sad look (y/n)" Nora asked with a pancake in her hand.

"Yang broke up with me." You finished in a sad tone.

"What? Why?" Jaune asked.

"She said since her new arm has a vibrate function she doesn't need me anymore." You finished.

"You know a couple of years ago I had a boyfriend and when he dumped me I ate a lot of ice cream and it helped me get over it. Maybe you should give it a try?" Pyrrha offered with a smile.

"It might. I'll give it a try thanks guys." You finished before leaving.

1 week later

You walked in beacon academy with a smile on your face. You were walking down the hall with you met with team Jnpr again.

"(Y/n) it's been a week. You couldn't have been eating ice cream all week?" Nora asked in worry.

"Technically I was. I went to a ice cream store and I met a girl, well long story short. Guys this is my new girlfriend Neo, Neopolitan." You finished with a smile.

Team Jnpr looked at Neo who wore a smirk on her face. She gave them a lazy wink before placing two fingers on both sides of her lips before mimicking a licking motion.

Team Jnpr were silent for a moment. "She seems nice. Come on before they run out of pancakes." Nora finished before skipping away.

Omake 4

"I can't believe Weiss broke up with me" you stated as your head dropped to the table. You and Jaune were at a local bar drinking away your pain.

"It's gonna be fine (y/n). We will get really drunk and forget all about it. Bartender ten of your strongest drinks." Jaune finished.

You turned your head and noticed someone at the end of the bar. "Hey look it's Yang." Then the world went black.

You woke up the next day to see a blonde haired in bed next to you. You cracked a smile a stretched out your arms, but you noticed something unsettling. A wedding ring.

"Oh shit, did I get married to Yang and have sex with her."

"No you did not." A voice beside you stated.

You turned your head. "Jaune?"


"Let me make this clear. I'm the husband and you're the wife." You finished.

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