Cheater Anna x reader x Elsa

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Cheater Anna x reader x Elsa

It was a normal day for you, nothing exciting in the least going on. You were currently on your way home from work early due to all the computers in the office crashing due to a virus. But you didn't care, you were going home to see your girlfriend Anna and since the IT department said it would take a week to get the computers up and running you were off for the week, it looked like things couldn't get any better, then you got home.

The first thing you notice is a stench in the air, you silently make your way towards Anna and yours room before hearing talking from behind the door.

"That was amazing Kristoff," you heard Anna state.

"It always is isn't it," a male voice finished, probably Kristoff.

You clenched your fist in anger, the girl you gave your heart to was cheating on you, after every thing you did for her.

"Hey, Anna I'm gonna get a drink, you want anything?"

"I'm good," Anna finished.

You then heard Kristoff making his way towards the door, when he opened it he found you waiting there. But before he could say anything you had punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground unconscious.

Anna stared in shock, she had never seen you so angry before, and Kristoff was a big guy knocking him out wouldn't be easy.

"How could you Anna? Is this my reward for giving you everything including my heart," you spat in anger.

"[y/n], please this was a mistake," Anna stated in fear.

"Save it Anna, we're done, over, finito. I hope you're happy with this piece of shit," you finished before giving Kristoff a kick in the ribs. "And tell this piece of shit that if I ever see him again I'll end him.

You then turned and left while ignoring Anna screaming your name. You went to the kitchen and grabbed your wallet and keys before turning to leave, only for Anna to stand in front of you blocking you path.

"Please [y/n], don't leave me." Anna stated with tears in her eyes.

"You stared at her with a emotionless face, remembering your history together before shutting your eyes to block out the memories. "May the hell you find be your own making Anna."


You drove around for a few hours trying to clear your head but eventually night came and you needed somewhere to stay for the night. It was then you noticed that you were close to Elsa's apartment.

Elsa was Anna's older sister by three years. But unlike her sister she was shy and quiet and people thought she was quite cold but that's because they didn't know her, once Elsa got to know you the pair of you really hit it off and you and Elsa considered each other best friends.

You knocked on the door to Elsa's apartment and waited a few minutes until Elsa opened up.

"Oh [y/n], what are you doing here?" Elsa questioned with a raised brow.

"It's a long story but for now I need a place to stay for a while." You finished in a sad tone.

"Sure, come on in." Elsa finished with a smile that warmed your heart.

After entering Elsa's apartment she lead you to the living room. You knew she was gonna ask why you were staying with her instead of going back to Anna.

"[y/n], why are you here?" Elsa questioned in a gentle voice that sent shivers down your spine.

"You're not going to like the answer," you stated in a downcast voice.

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