Explanation +Warnings

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Book one: Vikklan- Burn Out

Book two: Merome- Wash Out

Book three: Poofless- Live Out


Vik and Lachlan are the moon and the sun.

Vik is the moon.

Lachlan is the sun.

Most would think the sun would be happier than the moon, (he's literally a ball of sunshine) but in their case, it's not the truth.

Lachlan is depressed about life in general (aren't we all) and everything, literally, starts to get colder.

Vik, the moon, notices and tries to comfort Lachlan.

The moon seems to shine brighter during the night and people take notice.

Vik has to start up Lachlan's power (ha puns) before it burns out.

Y'all are the stars cos you're stars in my heart <3

(all I can think of now is Lady Gaga and Harry Styles omg) {star power}

I really shouldn't be publishing this but I ship Vikklan and idc I need something new to write

this is going to be a pretty depressing book until near the end most likely because it's kind of about depression with Lachlan sorry D:

• depression

• possible self mutilation (self harm) (( not just cutting please don't get any ideas from this))

• possible suicide/mentions of suicide (I HAVENT THOUGHT OF THE ENDING IM SORRY)

• don't worry about cussing it'll be kept to a bare minimum at least I'll try

• feels

• fluff

anger issues

• gayness

Side ship: MiniZerk

First chapter should be out soon :D

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