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warning: I use a bit more cussing in here if you read my other books then you won't care as much but if you read this because I said I'll try my best not to cuss sorry 😬
also mentions of a mental disorder (bipolar) and I hope I didn't offend anyone it's just brief where Vik is like "I think Lachlan is bipolar"

"Hey, Lachlan," I begin trying to get Lachlan's attention when I realize that he probably thinks I'd want to go to the park or something. Plus it's pretty hot outside and I have a hoodie to block out as much sunlight as I can and I feel like I'm burning under this hoodie. "Would you want to come to my apartment? Because I..." my mind scrambles to find a good excuse so I don't look like a dummy. It's not my fault Lachlan is kind of (maybe more?) cute. (Vik is such a liar omg) After a second, my mind comes up with something, "I have a package being delivered to my flat. My uh parents sent it," I quickly explain and he shrugs before agreeing to go to my house with me. Score

I unlock the door to my house and lead him in and we almost immediately sit on the couch and I take off my hoodie. "Just wondering, why were you asking Simon for a job?"

"I feel bad for Josh to be having to support another human when he can barely support himself at his crappy job. I can always hear him complaining to my step-dad over the phone about how crappy his boss is. I just want to help out while I'm here. My family is rich back home, but, for some reason, they won't help Josh. Guess it's like a 'you should make your own living' type of thing even though he works his ass off every single day," by the end of Lachlan's explanation, his tone got madder and angrier almost yelling leaving me a bit scared. I've been thinking he's bipolar just a tad.

Is this what Josh was talking about problems?

Lachlan quickly realizes his temper after he finishes and his face pales seeing me backed into the corner of the couch. "I'm really fucked up, aren't I?" Lachlan mutters after he puts his face into his hands. I quickly shake my head no kind of confused on what to do, so I just pat his back in a comforting manner, yet it was very awkward.

"Everyone is kind of... fucked up in their own way," I explain hesitant to use that word. If I my mom would ever know I said that word, she'd wash my mouth out with soap. 
"I'm more than kind of fucked up though, I am quite fucked up." I desperately wanted to request that we stop using the word, but I also knew there were bigger problems on our plate than a cuss word so I let it be.

"Stop saying that. As long as you're the best you can be then that's all that's needed. Even is being fucked up is being the best you can be, but I know it not. Simon knows it's not. Your family knows it's not. Josh knows it not. You're willing to help him in any way you can. That isn't fucked up, that's being nice."

"Stop trying to help me. I was born into someone I'm not, and my parents hate me for it," he retorts with venom oozing (what) from his words. There he goes, being his moody self, but he probably can't help it.

"Lachlan sto-" he interrupts me with a moan on pain and he immediately grabs his wrist, with a thumb covering a part of it. "What's wrong-" I'm cut off by my own pain circulating from my wrist. It felt like my body was being forcefully contorted into a shape it should not be. I felt sick to my stomach immediately. When I looked at my wrist, I saw my tattoo, glowing. Lachlan must have one. "L-Lachlan," I stutter swallowing down the pain, "Wh-at's your tattoo."

Shakily, he moves his wrist towards me and uncovers it. It was a sun. I put my wrist up to his showing him my moon tattoo, pain coursing like a river through both of our veins.

A bright flash of light floods through the flat. It was bright like a fluorescent light, but also soft, like a night light. Relive from the pain washes over and I let out a deep sigh feeling the pain wash out of me. "What was that?" I ask him thinking he might know.

"You all are the sun and the moon. You both are soulmates." A lady announces with a smile on her face standing next to a man I do not know.

"Who the fuck are you?"

that last line was Lachlan's 😂 IM SO SORRY I HAVEN'T BEEN UPDATING ❤️❤️❤️

but I won't be updating for awhile but because finals are coming up AND I NEED GOOD GRADES I'm not updating any books at all and I'm temporarily deleting the app for like two weeks when I come home I'm going to get the app and yeah :) check my message board (I forgot what it's called) for updates and stuff

I always make Lachlan an ass at first 😂😂

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