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I need to speed this up I'm aiming for 10 chapters but I might have to do 15 idk yet but the past moon and sun are mentioned again and I just refer to them as the moon and sun even though they aren't the moon and sun now and stuff but yeah

im hoping I didn't mention their age oops

"I'm not getting a very good feeling about this," the moon worries pacing around the dimly lit room. He knew Vik and Lachlan haven't made any progress yet, and they had to truly kiss before the fall equinox, the next day their powers are equal. (This is supposed to take place in the summer July maybe)

"Love takes time. You can't rush love," the sun advises sighing as her husband continues to worry. That's all he seems to do these days, but she doesn't mind. It just showed he cared for the world as much as they once did.

"What if they fail though? Then the ocean and land will be next, then life and death. Oh God, life and death! I hope it doesn't end up,with life and death, they are so unstable!" the moon complains stressed out, a lot.

"Everything must have it turn. The land and the sea, then life and death. Everything must takes its toll and join the cycle. We've accomplished our part of the cycle, we just have to put our faith into Vik and Lachlan that they will.  All we can do is wait. If we try to push them, that could potentially rip the fragile veil of the world."

The moon only sighs gripping the rail of the balcony that overlooked the area til his knuckles were a ghostly white.
"I know," he mumbles.



"Hey Simon," I greet walking up to them counter. I needed a job and why not start asking where I first started. "Is there any way I could possibly get a part time job here?" I question getting straight to the point. Simon just raises his eyebrows.

"Isn't this supposed to be like a vacation?" Simon questioned finishing counting the money.

"Eh," I begin with a shrug, before explaining what I explained to Josh just yesterday about how my mom really just wanted me out of the house for my little brother.

"Aw, I'm sorry mate," Simon consoles patting my shoulder in a brotherly fashion.
"Nah, it's not your fault. I just hope he doesn't end up as fucked up as me," I explain making Simon furrow his eyebrows.

"The way I look at it, maybe we're all just puzzles wanting to fit together. Everyone has that one piece that doesn't fit, but you just have to find someone else's piece that fits into yours and you have to give them a piece of you in return. Maybe you're just still putting your puzzle together."

"Aww, when did Si get so sappy?" A new voice chuckles walking in. It was Vik.

We haven't really talked since I ran out, so it was a bit awkward. "What's up Lachlan?" Vik says walking to behind the counter next to Simon.
"By the way, maybe if we put good word in for you, the boss'll let you in." Simon "flirtatiously" winks, Vik looking confused between the two of us.

"Simon stop. Save it for my brother," I groan covering my eyes making him giggle and Vik look even more confused.

"Well I'm confused," Vik comments making both of us laugh and Simon ruffle his hair like a big brother would to a little brother.

"Oh Vikky, you crack me up. I'll talk to Tobi and since there's not a lot of people here, y'all should go out for the day. It's nice outside." Simon suggests making Vik visibly tense up next to me.

"I'd be up for it," Vik shrugs.
"What the hell lets go," I say following Vik to the door as we say goodbye to Simon.

I'm starting on the next chapter right now
sorry I haven't updated in forever It's just that sometimes I'm not in the mood for editing and that's been a lot lately :|

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