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yo the plot will be like full speed from this point on because I need to finish this in the next 8 chapters and I have like no plot line right now :|

I came up with a sun and a moon person
the old moon is Jason Sudeikis and the old sun is Blake Lively

note: this chapter mentions a creator but no specific name so it's kind of religious but it's really not and its very brief anyway

"Who the fuck are you?" Lachlan asks in alarm while I sit next to him speechless at how the two strangers got into my flat and the first thing they tell us is that we're soulmates. Who does that?!

"Hey! Don't talk to my wife like that!" The man next to her growls walking up to Lachlan and pushing his finger against the blonde.
"Who are you?" I question now standing next to the small side table with the landline on it. You know, just in case.
"We are the sun and the moon. You are our successors, and we're here to share what we do so you can successfully do your jobs," the woman explains with a radiant smile. She's no doubt the sun while the man is most likely the moon. "It started at the beginning of the world when there was no light so the sun was created for the day and the moon was created for the night, and humans were created who possessed the spirit of the sun and moon. There's no one else like you two in the world. When you reach the age, the Creator will inform you two that you must choose your own successors," she informs while the moon just stares with a blank expression and arms crossed across his chest.

I end up stepping away from the landline. Sure, their explanation sounds crazy, but it al makes sense. The tattoos, my vulnerability to the sun, and the energy I mysteriously conjured up when I was in the moonlight. What if Lachlan is the same way, just vice versa? What if he gained power through the daylight and weakened in the moonlight.

"Why did you guys choose us?" Lachlan interrogates eyebrows furrowed. The pair just exchanged a look, and I immediately could tell they were hiding something from us.

"Well, it's kind of complicated. We weren't supposed to choose, and we didn't, but one of you aren't supposed to be who you are," the sun explains gritting her teeth.

"It's me," Lachlan states quickly, voice monotone. "The sun was supposed to be a girl, wasn't it?" The sun only nods in response.

"I didn't have time to reach her. I'm so sorry."

"Wait," I interrupt, "why is it a big deal? It's not like he's going to die, right?" I question feeling some type of different feeling blooming in my chest.

"It's more likely for him to die from different things than for you to die, for example. The body of the successor is usually made to accept the power we pass on, and since Lachlan's wasn't, he's more vulnerable to our moon," he paused motioning between me and him before pointing to the other two occupying the room saying, "than you are compared to their sun." the moon explains putting his hand on his wife's shoulder. "Your both fully human, and his immune system is trying to get used/fight off the strange substance, but it'll never go away which weakens his immunity to human diseases. Plus, there are more... um." The moon stops to ponder his next words before leaning towards my ear and whispering into it saying, "mental issues," before backing away.

"Um, honey," the sun says directed towards her husband, "maybe we should leave these two to talk some stuff out," she pauses before looking at Lachlan and I before continuing to talk, "we'll be there for you boys when you need us most, but now, it is time for us to go." In a flash of light, the couple was gone leaving Lachlan and I wondering if all of that was real.

I'm back :)

this book is one of my favs tbh

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