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This takes place when they're infants, but actually starts when they're like 20

"Come one! Where is this frecking house?!" the hooded man grumbles to himself as he roams the empty streets of London under the glittering moonlight. His eyes gazed at all the number plates trying to find the right numbers. He just hoped his partner was okay.


The hooded woman ran down the streets of Brisbane hearing the sirens behind her. She knew her time slot was slim and was coming up soon. The sun was about to hit it's peak in the sky meaning if she were going to do this, she had to do this soon, but the house was far away. Too far away. She curses under her breathe hearing the sirens only become louder. Then she sees her saving grace, a woman pushing a stroller. This may not be planned, and the moon might get mad at her, but it was better than nothing. Hastily, she runs up to the stroller making the woman pushing it give her a confused look, but she taps her forehead making her faint as she grabs the baby. It was a boy. Of course it was! There weren't anymore babies around so this just had to work. She toke the small boy into her arms cradling him as his blue eyes looked at her in curiosity. "I'm sorry," she mumbles before vanishing in a glint of light with the baby before the police could catch her.

"Hello," the moon greets the small infant laying soundly in the cradle. He knew he had to do this quick and carefully so the baby's parents would not wake up. He just hoped his wife did her part correctly. "You're going to have a great burden when you grow up, but when you meet your sun, it's worth it. Trust me," he smiles down at the small sleeping child kissing his forehead. He could feel the connection to the small boy already knowing that this boy would be his successor. He then vanishes with the baby boy in hand.


"What the heck!" The moon shouts seeing the small baby boy sleeping soundly in the sun's arms.

"Shh, you'll wake him," she advises rubbing his head bouncing him in her arms.

"This was not intended," he explains holding his own baby. "You know what'll happen when he grows up."

"Yes, yes I do. But that's what the moon is for. If they can find each other before things get bad, the world will be okay. Have faith in them,"she speaks softly rubbing her husband's arm. He sighs realizing she is right. He just hoped it happens. They might not be on earth, but Earth would still be their home: "It's time," she states looking out seeing the moon at its peak. He looks too seeing the sun next to it. The constellations dot the dark night sky on her side while clouds roll on the light blue of his side. "I love you," she says as they walk towards the center of the circular room.
"I love you too," he smiles softly.

They place the two boys on opposite sides of the fine line dividing the room from yellow to blue, the moon's baby on the blue side and the sun's baby on the orange.

Auxilium nostrum damus sicut sol et luna.
Curam nobis nostri orbis recedet ab ea.
Tutores custos animos solis occasum.
Ne cum hoc mundo, non magnitudine.
Consule protecters terrae fiunt iussa facessunt.

{we give you our blessing as the sun and moon.
Take care of our world as we depart from it.
Be the guardians, the guardian moon and leading sun.
Lead the world to greatness while we can not.
Fufill your duties and become the protecters of the earth.}

They chant seeing the world slowly come together, the sun and moon becoming one. In a flash of bright light, the two babies returned home, but the man and woman were not seen the same again.

Ohhhh drama already in the prologue 😏😏😏
Oh also the sun is supposed to be a woman (since you know the sun and moon are supposed to be like polar opposites) but she didn't have time to reach the girl she was supposed to so she just got Lachlan and the sun and the moon are instantly soulmates so yeah Lachlan and Vik now are bonded together :)


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