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Also of course right after I publish last chapter and check weheartit (it's kind of like Pinterest I use it to find photos for my covers) this photo comes up and it's literally perfect for their tattoos

"What happened?!" Simon practically shouts as I walk through the door of the skate shop, people staring at us like we're crazy.

"I'm not sure. I was "hanging out" with Josh's step brother and then something happened and I woke up in the frecking hospital. That Lachlan guy was in the room too. I also heard voices, but I just think it was a dream. Is it weird I woke up with a tattoo?" I ramble before holding up my wrist showing him the tiny moon. That sure did throw me off when I woke up. I'm almost positive Lachlan has one too. We shared a room until we were let go and I would constantly see him looking down at his wrist in confusion. When I asked what he was thinking about he quickly shut me down.

"Is his step brother nice? Good looking?" Simon questions getting a board down from the top shelf for a customer. Lucky fish doesn't even need a step ladder.
"Nice? No. Good looking, hella," I respond with a small chuckle running a hand through my hair.

"Ohhh. My gaydar is going off. Vikky has a crush," Simon cooes making me roll my eyes.
"Since when do you have a gaydar?" I ask.

"Since I was born, duh. Once you are gay, there's no turning back," he explains, "by the way, thank you so much for taking up Josh's offer because I totally didn't want to do it." Simon says sarcastically.
"It wasn't my fault I didn't know you had a man crush on Josh! Tell me next time you nerd," I defend myself.

"What's that about a man crush?" a voice asks, Josh and Lachlan walking up next to us. I also notice the drop in temperature again. Can someone's heart be that cold? Lachlan's face always seems to have a permanent frown. I do truly wish to see Lachlan smile because I know something happened in his past, and he hasn't moved on from that.

"N-nothing!" Simon states, cheeks red as a rose. "Just... uh,"

"Simon was telling me about his crush on a girl when he was in preschool," I cover speaking the first thing that came to mind.
"Oh," Josh says, a slight down in his voice. They are so gay for each other my gaydar is going crazy.

"Uh, I'm going to go look for something. Vik come help me," Lachlan basically commands taking my hand into his dragging me away from the heart eyed couple. Oh crap. He's holding my hand!

We make it to the very back of the store where the repair shop is. Broken board lay atop of other broken boards, the slight smell of wood lingering in the air.

Lachlan leans against the wall itching at his left wrist. The same with my new tattoo. "Lachlan, did something new come up when you woke up?" I ask wondering about if this tattoo thing happened to both of us. If it is, something freaky must be going on because people don't just wake up from passing out with new tattoos that are fully healed. It takes a few months for tattoos to fully heal.
"It's none of your business," Lachlan snaps stopping his itching making me sigh.

"Lachlan, I'm just trying to figure out how I got this stupid tattoo, and if you won't help me, then I'll have to check for myself," I warn even though I'd never be able to fight him, but I can try.
"If you lay a finger on me I will not hesitate to-" he's cut off by a yelp leaving his lips hunching over, the air suddenly getting warmer.

"What the- ahh!" A burning pain runs through my body and I lift up my sleeve seeing the small moon glowing a bright red as if lave were under it. I notice Lachlan mimicking my actions and his wrist glowing too, but I couldn't make out what his tattoo was. "Are you okay?" I ask through gritted teeth touching his shoulder, and then, all of the sudden the pain subsides and the ink goes back to black. I also notice Lachlan's wrist stopped glowing also and he stands back up lowering his sleeve. "Lachlan, please just let me see your wrist. We need to figure up what the heck is going on," but he only shakes his head. I only sigh and lean against the opposite wall.

I guess we both expected Simon to come looking for us since neither of us bothered to go back to the front of the store. When Lachlan looks away, I see my chance and grab his wrist yanking sleeve up seeing a small etched on sun. But the lines around it is what really caught my eyes.

"Oh my gosh, Lachlan," I breathe out.

I've never seen someone with so many scars on their arms before.

A/N (short and important)
Okay so I've made a schedule for updating my books I'm not going to guarantee that I will update and I'm not going to say that all my updates will be one the designated day. It's more of just an outline but I will break the outline sometimes (I'm EST btw)

If you couldn't tell I will work on Burn Out on Thursdays if you want the schedule for my other books check my bio thanks :D


HSM is literally my childhood

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