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•Reread the warning and I added a sideship (not trying to offend anyone with a eating disorder I'm just uncomfortable writing that)

also Vik's life seems a little weird, but that's for the sole reason that I just don't want to write him having a job and stuff (horrible I know but I just don't want to write parents and jobs with this that much )

• also I am not British just saying I erased when it was brought up in this chapter but just for future reference

I sometimes forget I originally write in 1st person and begin writing in 3rd and this might be worded pretty badly and hopefully I'll rewrite it sometime but I didn't want to put you all through the wait anymore so there might be mistakes I missed but it is meant to be first person

One more thing if you see Rob or Pete in this chapter I mean Simon I changed it two times and I might've missed a mention also flower=skate

Okay that's it thank you :)

   I walked through the crowded streets on my way home for the night since the sun was coming up. I've never been able to stand out in the sun for too long without feeling like I was going to die on the inside or like my guts were going to be set on fire, so when I was younger, going outside seemed like hell. Some kids (*cough me cough*) complained about going outside saying they didn't want to, but my situation was a bit different. I almost couldn't. It wasn't my fault that whenever I went out side I immediately got burned, or my insides felt like liquid, but it just happened. I couldn't help it. When I told his parents, they thought I was just joking, but didn't make me go outside (thank God) as much as they probably wished they had because now I was still rarely seen outside. Do I care? No, not really.

A lot of people thought I was weird, but for as long as I could remember I just felt I was... different. No, not because of my appearance or because I embraced learning more than other kids, but just something in my gut told him I was going to grow up and be something great. Maybe that's why I did so well in school, to prepare myself for my future.

The ends of my sleeves cover my hands from the scorching sun beating down on the city of London as I flow with the sea of the crowd. I found it weird how I didn't mind being hot, but just being under the sun. The temperature bothers me as much as it bothers the next guy, but it was just something about the sun that makes me feel sick. I wondered, as a little kid, if anyone else felt this way. Probably not since when I told my doctor, the doctor said that was the first he'd heard of something like in my case, so I was most likely alone. Alone, but content.

In today's world, people seem to embrace differences just a bit more than they did when he was a kid. If I was a kid and word got out about his problem, I'd probably be bullied by them because elementary school kids are mean. (jk y'all are adorable)

"Hey, Vik," Simon greets as I walk into the familiar skate shop "What brings you in today, bud?"
"Nothing really," I sigh, "just bored I guess. I thought I could help."
"I could use a bit of help. A lady came in today with her kids and they knocked over the display stand. I haven't had time to get to it so can you help any customers if they come in while I get it?" He asks, I nod in response. This wasn't the first time I've helped Simon out so I already knew how to work the register etc. Nothing usually happens in my life which leads me come and talk to my (only) best friend.

This does sound a little illegal, but the first time I came by, the manager, Tobi, was there and it was the time when schools got out for summer break so they were filled with customers and Tobi temporarily hired me for that day. He said I could come back any time since I said he didn't need money, which is true. My parents basically paid me for moving out of the house and they were rich, like 3rd richest family in the country rich. I felt bad taking the money, but my parents basically opened me a bank account and forced me to move without my consent. Besides, I don't think I grew up snobby, I always asked and volunteered as a kid, it wasn't like I was a brat.

   "Good luck, have fun," I say in an overly happy voice making Simon roll his eyes at me handing me his name tag. Couldn't have people knowing we were doing something illegal, but, rarely anyone comes in. Right as I sat down, someone did come in. "Hello and welcome to Olly's skate shop. What can I help ya with?" I ask casually as the guy walks up to the counter.

"Uh, where's the other Simon? We've met before he said he worked at this time," he explains stuffing his hands in his hoodie pockets. "I need him to do me a favor."
"He's in the back. By the way, my name isn't Simon, it's Vik, but Simon can explain that to you," I explain shaking his hand getting out from behind the counter.
"Oh, well I'm Josh," he states, "maybe you can help me. My step-brother is coming to live with me for awhile to get his mind off of things and I'm going to try and teach him how to skate, but I don't know how and I need someone to teach him. Free preferably, I'm just on a bit of a money crunch at the moment," he rambles, but I listen.

"Yeah, I bet Simon could help, or well, I could help. I'll cover the costs don't sweat it." I quickly explain walking towards the skateboards beckoning him to follow me. "My parents are rich so it's really no bother to help you out a bit. What's his name?" I ask grabbing a simple board and helmet before walking back to the counter.
"Lachlan Power, but just a warning. He has some problems. He's delicate so just... be careful around him okay? He's my stepbrother and I'd hate to see him.... nevermind," Josh once again rambles making me chuckle fondly. I might be gay, but I didn't chuckle that fondly.

"How bad can he be? I'll treat him as I treat everyone else. You've seen how I've treated you, think that'll work?" I question putting the money in the cash register.
"I mean... maybe? It's hard to explain and I'm not the right person to tell. Can I have your number?" I nod and write my number down and name handing it to him and the back. "Thank you so much, Vik. I hope to see you soon."
"No problem, bye Josh."

"Did Josh just leave?" Simon asks basically sliding into the room, red faced and panting like a dog.
"Yeah. Why? Does Simon have a crush?"
"Wha- no! I was just wondering.... maybe a little one?"

I hope that was long enough for the first chapter ;-;
sorry for the long A/N in the beginning ?I just needed to tell you guys that stuff

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