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note: I have no idea how Australia schools works regarding when they have like their three month long break or whatever so yeah just bare with me 

warning: brief mentions of drugs and alcohol (it's mentioned once)

also y'all might hate me after this chapter idk but good luck

"When did it start?" I ask. If we're supposed to "be guardians of the world" we must have to get along somehow. "When you got those... feelings?"

"It started in year 4. Before that, my life was like any other socially challenged child, you know, not many friends, playing video games all day, stuff like that, but I strictly can remember the month of October being like hell. All of the sudden, I was hit with the flu so my mom made me stay home which wasn't so bad because I didn't have to go to school. But it was like my body was against me and I gained all these illnesses and the doctor was at my house at least 2 times a week with a new diagnose. It seemed like my life was a complete cycle between going to the hospital and going home. That's also the time when my mom and my relationship plundered downhill because the hospital bills became too much and she was so stressful. I tried helping her from time to time, but she only pushed me away before her anger became too much."

He pauses for a second to either gather his thoughts or let me process all the information. Whatever it was, he continues his story on the same monotone voice telling me, "not many years before that, my dad died. I didn't really know him, but my mom loved him. Some days I woke up hearing her crying from her room muttering his name. During my sick phase, she somehow met Josh's dad online. She blamed me for not having enough money to visit him. Around the time of Christmas, I got better and more money started coming in, but school was out for break so I couldn't go back. She gained enough money to buy a ticket and fly him and Josh over for the holiday. When Josh came, I felt like I had an actual friend. We bonded over video games, that I played way too much when I was sick."

"Eventually, Christmas break was coming to an end so Josh and my, not then, step-dad flew back to England so I returned to school. When I walked in, I wasn't sure what I was expecting. A part of me felt like no one would notice me, or notice I was gone, since I didn't have any friends, but everyone seemed convinced I had some sort of disease. Even my friends avoided me most of the time. Ever since then, I never felt the same around anyone. I was always the outcast, the last one picked for dodgeball, things like that, but then I really felt it. Like my world kind of crashed all of the sudden."

"That's when my depression really grew, I guess, and it was really hard for me to get through. I built walls around myself so no one could hurt me, but I was just hurting myself. The only person I had, at the time, was Josh. My mom and my relationship was shit, and I never really got to bond with my step-dad."

"And then I met this guy who was amazing. He had this aura around him that made everyone around him so lively and everyone in town loved him. He was kind of new to the town, but within a week, everyone knew his name. I fell head over heels for him. It was like a dream when he asked me out, and we were so happy together, I felt we were a cliché movie couple that was meant to be. Then, it was almost like a switch went off in him. He started acting out about everything, and was never the same again. Doing drugs, alcohol, things like that. I'm pretty sure he slept around a lot of times too. It really hurt when we broke things off because I opened up to him completely and he threw me away like a piece of rubbish." He choked a few times here and there, but I didn't want to stop him.

"I- It hurt really bad," he mumbles, making my heart break. I didn't know what he was going through, and I might never know, but I hugged him as he cried. I held him while he cried into my shoulder muttering how stupid he was. I knew he wasn't, I knew that love would sometimes take your heart and stomp on it, but I also know when love pushes you into a ditch, it can also help you up.

"I'm sorry, Lachlan. I might not understand that much, but I know you well enough that none of it was your fault. Life was just taking it toll. That's what it does," I say to him, and he pulls away.

"Thanks, Vik. I've never said that to anyone. I- I'm glad you're here," he smiles through the sadness while wiping his eyes. I hand him a tissue.

"You're a great person, Lachlan." I say responding with a similar smile.
"You are too." Before I could register what was happening, he kissed me.

He kissed me!

Sure, it happened between us a little fast, but that's another thing life does, sometimes it just speeds down the track and everything happens so fast you can't even register it in the moment.

and I kissed back.

After a few seconds of just us feeling each other's lips, we pulled away with stupid grins on our faces. Strange, but good, feelings were going off inside me like fireworks, but it felt good. So I kissed him again.

And they happened again.

And I loved it again.

When we pulled away, our faces were hot with passion and out smiles were filled with happiness. I've never seen Lachlan this happy.

After a few minutes of just laying on the couch together, cuddled up, a thought occurs to me. "Hey Lachlan, just wondering, but what was your ex's name?"

Lachlan sighs at my question and stops playing with my hair.

"His name was Robert Latsky."

A/N (this A/N is craaaazy but read it if you care)


I was originally going to have the ex be Jay then thought (spoiler to one of my books) "naw it'll remind me too much of Give Me Love"

then I was going to make it an OC and name him Jeramy but that reminded me too much of Phineas and Ferb 😂

then I though of Rob and thought to myself "I'm going to make it Rob just to f*ck with them"

okay okay that's out of the way but I was to talk about my upcoming books (you can skip)
first off, I have my MiniZerk one and it's called Lost Boy (don't tell anyone shhhh) and I normally wouldn't tell you guys because I feel y'all wouldn't care cause you know it's a Vikklan book but MiniZerk is in this so yeah

and Ive been working on the second installment of this book which will be Merome w/ Wash Out AND IM SO EXCITED YOU HAVE NO IDEA EHHHH

then I have another one THAT I HAVEN'T TOLD ANYONE ABOUT AND I JUST WANT TO PUBLISH IT SO BAD but patience is key 👌
anyway it'll involve all the Pack w/ the three main ships AND LACHLAN FINALLY WONT BE THE DEPRESSED MYSTERIOUS DUDE

seriously though, I've made two books in a row w/ Lachlan in it and he's like the tough "I don't need your help" type of guy and Vik makes him soft again :D

But I realized Rob with be the punk(ish) guy in it so I'll have two in a row where Rob's like that :(

but I'm so pumped for this book I already four chapters done FOUR
it's a miracle if I get two chapters done but I have FOUR done
plus I'm bringing back the dumb chapter names like in The Breakfast Pack
oml I'm so excited :D :D :D

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