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I had all the pills I needed to take to make it end when Amy walked in my room! She screamed don't do it I screamed back give me one good reason not to then I took them she came running to me, and tried to stick her fingers down my throat WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING I SAID she said trying to save your life I suddenly felt real weak and dizzy I grabbed her arm she tried to hold me up but I fell and feel asleep with no regret!


I tried to stick my fingers down his throat to make him throw up but the he grabbed my arm, and you could tell his was weak so I tried to hold him up long enough to stick my fingers down his throat seance he was weak but feel and passed out I called 911 and told them what happened then someone came in, and said Chandler I'm home! I said um you might want to see this she ran up the stairs and started crying! My baby stay with me please!! The woman said are you his mother yes I am she replied I know what he did! When the ambulance arrived she told them not to release this info to anyone and if anyone found out it would be hell to pay!

Still Amy's pov
We were half way there when Chandler started have a seger WHATS HAPPENING TO HIM me and his mom both screamed at the paramedics. We don't know mam they started doing all kinds of stuff to him then he stopped! He's fine they said we arrived at the hospital they made me and his mom sit in the waiting room! It was unbarable! We finally got some news on how he was doing. They said he took a bunch of different medications so they pumped his stomach, and he was in a medical sudeced coma he would be in for a day and a half! Okay his mom said she muttered under her breath what am I suppose to tell the cast. I walked in to see him so pale wires hooked up to him, tubes down his throat so it would force him to breath because his lungs keep wanting to stop because he is to weak.


Everyone at school kept asking me were Chandler was I had to say I don't know I'm only his guide. It was a very long day! I finally got out of there and went to the hospital. I got there there were no tubes down his throat but we was not awake his mom said don't worry honey he was awake about 30mins ago he is still very weak so he needs as much rest as he can get I asked why? Is he so weak because he took 10 different kinds of medicines WHAT!! Yes we have no clue how he got all of them, but he will be perfectly fine in about a week or so. We both look over to Chandler who is slowly weakening up


As I slowly wake up I am thinking is this the light to heaven then when I am fully aware of my surroundings I notice I am in a hospital room great I say aloud and I feel someone hug me AMY I scream yes why am I here Amy says you are here because you tried to kill yourself she said and slapped me............. w-w-w why d-d-d-d did y-y-y-y you do that I say and start crying.........

A/N: y would Amy slap Chandler keep reading to find out

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