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I knew who the intruders were because of the text I got last night. They said have a nice day because we are coming for you I just ignored it like a idiot! The doors were being shot down! And I heard Zack say make sure the twerp is not in there! Omg that me there looking for me everyone stand up Blake said I quickly put my hoodie on and looked down everyone look up now I did then he screamed found him everyone said what then it all went black.


They shot Chandler with a tranquilizer and went to get him I said no back away from him I kept kicking him and bitting and then I was shot with one too.

As I got my vision back I could see Chandler still out probably because he is light weight is probably about 45 pounds under weight. Chandler wake up I said walking over to him he started waking up hu what were am I I have no clue I said


When I first saw him he looked way to skinny for a 15 year old and looked miserable oh well if he never had sined he would not be in position now would he? I heard the girl trying to wake him up probably to much liquid in the dart then he woke up I then walked in well well what do we have here I said the girl replied a very week Chandler. Oh well I said looks like you will be my first victim then then Chandler said no let her go I will take her place let her go fine by me I said.


Why did Chandler take my place I could have taken it I has gagged and blind folded. When I was no longer blind folded I could see I was back at the school I ran to a teacher who asked was I okay I said yes but they still have Chandler and he is very weak they used a higher does of what they knocked us out with on him it was to strong for him. I was then taken to be questioned by the cops they asked did I know a name I said no they kept asking I said the car felt old it was a truck I could tell by the engine that it was old. Then they said they have an idea who owns that kind of truck


Aw how sweet of you to take her place now you will be tourcherd more he said I know that's why I did it I know she could take it but i just didn't want her to. Well I'm gonna have a lot of fun now.....

A/N: will they find Chandler in time or will he die

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