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We have school tomorrow summer is over Chandler looked scared. As soon as we walked in every girl was all over him he pushed his way through and went to a corner. I sat beside him. He said this is the last place I want to be. It's gonna be fine I promise you. Then Ross came up to us and said hey these are my friends. Chandler looked up with big eyes. The people that Ross was with said how do you know this freak?! Ross said because I live with him and have known him my whole life have a problem? The guys pushed me away and said Ross this is how we take care of people like Chandler Riggs. They held Chandler up and punched him in the stomach face kicked him in his area. They were torching him when they were done they let go of Chandler and they let go of Ross and me we both ran over to Chandler. I said call Andrew.

Phone conversation

Hey Andrew we need you to come get us from school. Andrew asked why? I told him what happened he said he would be on his way.

End of conversation

They called us to the office Ross picked Chandler up because he was still unconscious. When we walked into the office the boys who did this to Chandler were sitting there. Ross put Chandler in a chair, after that I heard a soft grunt from Chandler. I grabbed his hand and said how do you feel? He said he was in pain. Andrew came out of the office and saw Chandler and said I am so sorry Chandler he said it was fine then passed out. Andrew picked him up this time and he put him in the back seat with me I laid his head down in my lap. When we got home Andrew went to pick him up Chandler let out a scream in pain. Oh my god Chandler I'm so sorry to do that and wake you! Andrew said, He held his side and Andrew carefully picked him up and laid him on the couch and asked were it hurt. He said manly his side we cut his shirt off and saw a horrible sight

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