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I was in the waiting room when a ambulance came rushing through the door. There is one catch though Andrew was on it no no no not him to! Chandlers already in a coma and now him? Why is this happening to us I think Chandler has a whole lot of explaining to do. I told the nurse that I was here for the guy that just came in to and I would like to be updated on him.

3hrs later

Andrew Liam? I ran up he will be fine he was just stabbed Wright above his stomach so that's all he is awake if you want to see him. The doctor walked me to his room indeed he was awake. Hey how you doing I'm fine hey how is Chandler? He asked um he is in a coma I said crying. What no he can't be he cried! Yes he is they don't know what's wrong with him! I cried back can you go get a nurse Andrew asked me I said yes walked out and got a nurse and we went back he asked could he go see Chandler Riggs so she walked out and got a wheelchair. We went up to the ICU and walked in there


We walked in the room and I nearly broke but I didn't all I could see were tubes connected to him everywhere even down his throat to help him breath. It was so sad I asked Amy do they know anything? She said all they know that he is in a coma from unnatural causes they are working on what. Okay I just want to know as soon as possible. Then a doctor came in, he said that Chandler will wake up after his body has made a full recovery witch could take 5 days to two weeks. What! I cried! Yes sir I'm sorry.

3 days later

I walked into the hospital room like I do every day good thing he hasn't been in the last couple of episodes on twd. He still had all the tubes all over him not as many they took the tube out of his throat and used the ones that cover his face. I walked over to him and whisper the cast is here there coming in


Why does this keep happening to him he is just a boy? He is a very kind shy boy his mom just died he don't deserve this. Andrew comes out and says we can come in, we all hesitate to walk in I was the last one in it was terrible looking at him he has tubes all over him a oxygen mask covering his face. I walked up to his bed and sat down in the seat. Andrew came up to and put his hand on me and said
It's gonna be fine he will wake up just not today he said I replied with
I know I just don't want to see him like this it really hurts
Then the heart monitor sped up a little bit and more it kept doing this then a doctor walked in and forced us all out

2 hrs later

They came out and said Chandler Riggs we walked up to them they said that the reason his heart beat sped up was because of a dream then some blond headed boy said he was here to see Chandler Riggs his name is Ross lynch Andrew walked up to him and asked how did he know Chandler we were old time friends the boy said may I places see him

Stay with me (Chandler Riggs ff)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz