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             Andrew woke me up I was still hung over and he said this is your fault not mine and I ran and threw up again! Andrew laughed at me. We were driving there and I kept looking down and had a hood over my head so I didn't have to see the light at least Andrew was nice enough to not turn on the radio.

         At set

               We got there and we all split our separate ways to go get dressed. I had the worst migraine you could imagine. Andrew kept laughing at me, and kept saying your fault not mine then Darrel came up to me and said this my bud is why you don't drink to much. I said yeah I know. We were filming and I had to fight the urge to just walk off set and throw up. The director said we could have a 30min break. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Glenn walked in there and said I have heard what you did and now I know it's true. Shut up I said playfully. Hey not my fault he said so what did Andrew punish you with nothing except this, and Wright after I said that I threw up again. We were on our way home for the day was glad so I could go to bed. Andrew asked did I learn my lesson I replied very quickly with a yes. We were eating dinner when Amy asked hey Chandler would you like to go on a date tomorrow I said that would be lovely and we all went bed after we cleaned the kitchen.

      A/N sorry very boring chapter but sorta funny

Stay with me (Chandler Riggs ff)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt