Chapter 4

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Dean's POV

When Seth told me about him being gay, made me believe that I'd actually have a chance with him... but then he told me that he was already in a relationship with Adrian and that shattered my heart into a million little pieces.

I should be happy for Seth and don't get me wrong I am... but I just wish something will go wrong and cause them to break up. Is it bad that I want them to?

"Dean." Seth said, snapping his fingers in my face,

"Huh?" I said, snapping back to reality.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. Why are you asking?" I asked.

"Well you just seemed out of it."

"No I'm fine. Hey, am I able to take a shower?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'll get you what you need." He said, getting up and walking out.

I just couldn't help myself, but to just stare at Seth's hips sway back and forth. I licked my lips at the sight, before getting up myself and grabbing a clean pair of sweatpants, boxers, and a tshirt from my bag.

I then walked out and towards the bathroom, where Seth was rummaging through the small closet in there taking out a towel.

"Here's a towel. Uh, you can use my shampoo and conditioner. Here's a spare comb for you to brush your hair out. The bar of soap is on the ledge of the bathtub. While you do this I'm gonna go and get the air mattress ready for you." He said.

I nodded and closed the door after he left. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I looked as if I was a ghost. All pale, and flushed looking. I sighed and looked down, not wanting to look anymore at what my life has become. Carefully, I removed my shirt cringing when I lifted my arms and put them back at my sides. I was just about to take my pants off when I heard the door open.

"Sorry, I forgot to-" Everything in my body stopped moving and I froze where I stood, not even wanting to look at Seth's expression.

"Oh my god Dean. What happened?" I heard him ask.

I closed my eyes, not wanting to answer his question.

"Dean. Answer me. Who did this to you?" He asked, making me turn around and look at him.

"My dad." I whispered.

"Dean, why would he do that?" Seth asked.

"Because my dad hates me." I mumbled.

"You shouldn't have to be dealing with this, Dean. Wait... was he the reason was to why you fell down the stairs?" He asked me.

I sighed, but nodded in response--earning a gasp in return.

"How long has he been doing this to you?" Seth asked.

"Ever since I learned how to walk." I muttered.

Seth frowned at my answer and brought me into his warm embrace.

"Is that why you act that way at school and why you always bully others? Because your dad bullies you at home?" Seth asked, pressing my ear towards his heart.

I nodded against his chest and heard him sigh.

"I... I never knew." Seth said. "I'm so sorry that you have to deal with this."

"It's not your fault. I'm just a disappointment to him." I sighed.

"No, he's just a total jackass. Don't you have somewhere else to live?"

I Never Knew (Ambrollins) *Undergoing Edits*Where stories live. Discover now