Chapter 15

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*Later that Day*

Seth's POV

I got home a little later tha usual. Everyone ganged up on me at the end of the daym thus being the reason as to why I got home so late.

Luckily Dean or Roman weren't home yet. Mom said that they went out instead of going to school, cause Dean wasn't ready to go back just yet.

I wish I had a friend that would do that for me. Take me out and cheer me up when I'm feeling down.

I soon remember that I didn't have a friend like Roman. I don't have a bond that him and Dean have, with anybody I know.

I sighed as I sat in my partially empty bedroom. Mom took out Dean's stuff and moved it into the guest room for now, until the attic is set up for him I guess.

"Knock, knock." I heard my mom say, walking in. "I made some cookies."

"Not hungry." I mumbled.

"Sweetie, I know it's hard, but it'll be okay." Mom said, sitting down on the bed.

"No it won't. I lost the love of my life. I don't know why I did what I did." I sniffled. "I'm a horrible person."

"No you're not baby. It was only a mistake." She said.

"Yeah, a stupid one at that." I huffed.

"Seth he'll come around."

"No he won;t mom. I broke his heart, on his birthday and our anniversary. I mean who does that?" I crossed my arms.

She looked at me with a sad expression. "Your father did."

I looked at her.

I had totally forgotten about that. When I was four, my dad came home drunk with another girl while mom was at work.

By the time mom got home I was asleep, but was woke up to screaming and loud crashing noises.

When I went downstairs to see what was going on, the only thing I was was my mom on her knees sobbing.

"I can relate to Dean, Seth. Your father broke my heart." Mom said.

"But you were with day for four years. I was with Dean for four months."

"Four years and four months IS different... but love stays the same." Mom said, just as a knkock came from the front door.

"Can you get that?" I asked, weakly smiling.

She smiled and kissed my head. "I'll be right back."

I nodded and looked out my window to see a familiar car, and it's not the good kind of familiar.

"Mom! Don't open th-" I started as I made my way over to the stairs, but soon saw that I was too late.

"Hello how may I help you?" Mom asked.

"I heard you are fostering a young boy named Dean Ambrose." Dean's dad said.

"Yes I am. May I ask why you want to know that?"

"Because... I'm the little brat's father." His dad smirked.

Mom frize where she stood out of fear.

"Where is he!?" He yelled, pushing himself inside the house.

"H-He isn't here right now." Mom stuttered,

"Call him!" His dad yelled, slapping mom.

"O-Okay." She said, looking for the phone.

Quietly and quickly, I walked back to my room and dialed Dean's number... After a few rings it went to his voicemail.

"Hey it's Dean- what else do I say?- Oh well you know what to do." His voicemail said.

I smiled at it cause you have to admit it was cute.

"Please leave your message after the beep." Beep...

"Dean it's Seth. Look, I know you don't want to hear from me but I need you to stay away from the house. Your dad is here, looking for you. Please stay away..." I said, before started crying. "Look, If I don't make it out of here, I wanna say I'm sorry. I know I said it over and over again, but everyone I said I truely meant. I feel like a total ass for doing that to you..."

I trailed off, as I felt a presence behind me and I closed my eyes crying silently.

"I love you..." Was the last thing I said before he clamped a hand over my n=mouth and dragged me out, causing me to drop my phone. He dragged me all the way out to his van smirking as he opened the back.

"You and your mother are gonna love your new home." He whispered in my ear, before chucking me into the back with mom.

"Seth are you okay!?" Mom asked in panic.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I said, feeling the car start to move.

"I hope Dean will save us." She said.

"He won't" I said.

"Why not?"

"Because... I told him not to come back." I sighed.

She looked at me, as I looked down. Listening to the music he was playing as we drove away from our homw... and from the one's we love...

To Be Continued....

Ha! Thought I was gonna make that the end of the story?! Yeah right! I already got the next one all set up on what's gonna happen.

So sorry for the wait I've been busy, a bunch of people have been at our house every weekend then on the weekdays I had other things to do. But I finally took the time to finish typing these last two chapters. Hope you liked them... I am gonna be working on a bunch of new stories including the sequel to this one. There will be another contest for which cover I choose for the sequel book. Also with ym other stories... so keep a look out and I hope you guy enjoy the second book as much as this one right here.

Love y'all very much and thank you for all the love you had for this book. This is actually one of the hiest viewing books I ever had even on my first wattpad. So thank you again and the sequel will be up whenever I get the time again...

Please comment, vote, and share!!!

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