Chapter 6

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Dean's POV

Yesterday when I left Seth's house. I broke down. I can't believe what I just watched on YouTube. Everyone now knows about my crush on Seth, including Seth. I can't face him ever again.

You know how I said Seth's grandma gripping my dick being the most embarrassing thing ever? Well... I was wrong.

"Dean, c'mon get up." Roman said.

Thankfully Romans parents allowed me to stay over, so my dad would think I was still at Seth's house.

"Bro answer me at least."

"What?" I sighed.

"C'mon we have to get ready for school." Roman said.

"I'm not going." I muttered.

"Dean. You need to let it go."

"How can I Roman? I'll be the laughing stock of school."

"So what? Since when do you care?" Roman asked.

"I've always cared Roman. I never mean to be rude, it just happens."

"I know Dean, maybe try to be nice. My parents are thinking about letting you stay here." Roman said.

"Yeah, yeah. I rather just die." I said.

"Oh no, you're not going suicidal on me."

"I've always been suicidal. Just never show it." I said

"Okay that's it." Roman said, getting up and leaving.

I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to go back to sleep.

"Pick him up " I heard Roman say

I opened my eyes as I felt two hands grab each of my arms.

"Hey let me go!" I said as they took off my clothes.

"Sorry Dean, but you need to get ready for school." I heard Jimmy say.

"Okay okay. I'll get up. Just don't dress me." I said, getting out of their grasp.

"Good boy." Roman said smiling and patting my head.

I grumbled and swatted his hand away, getting up. I went over towards my suitcase and grabbed new clothes.

I then put them on and walked into the bathroom, doing everything I needed to get done, done.

"Hurry up Dean!" Roman yelled.

"I'm hurrying!" I yelled back, after putting on my black hoodie and leather jacket.

I put on my combat boot and walked downstairs.

"Here you go." Roman said throwing me my bookbag.

"Thanks." I mutter before putting my hood up.

"C'mon Dean, maybe school won't be so bad." Roman aid, following me out the door.

"Yeah, hopefully." I mutter as we both started walking to school.


Seth's POV

When I got to school the next day, I immediately went over to Adrian's locker and already miss we swarming us.

"Hey baby." He said closing his locker

"Don't 'hey baby' me you jackass." I said. "What the hell is your problem?"

"Dean started it by being a dick to you. Then he falls in love with you." Adrian said

"Doesn't mean you ruin his life!" I yelled

"He ruined yours!"

"No you ruined mine, because I met you!" I yelled and everyone went 'ooo'.

"Is that any way to talk to your boyfriend!?"

"No, so that's why I'm talking to you like this you dick!"

"Oh so you're dumping me!?" Adrian yelled.

"Yeah I am, you can go back to screwing with your mom!" I yelled and everyone laughed at that

Adrian flared at me and was about to tackle me, but for tackled himself and pinned to the lockers.

"Dean!" I heard Roman yell.

"Well, if it isn't the bad boy? Oh wait sorry, the mentally retarded baby." Adrian laughed and everyone did too.

"You listen here elf. When you mess with me, I tend to get pissed of. Little hint, if you want to give me an insulting name you're making a death wish also." He growled, which too me was kinda sexy.

"You're bluffing." Adrian said.

"Really? Have you seen Bo Dallas lately?"

Adrian shook his head.

"Lets just say he left school last Friday in an ambulance." Dean said. "Now do you have something to say?"

"Yeah... you don't scare me anymore." Adrian said and headbutted Dean.

Dean stumbled back and held his head as Adrian tackled him. Punches and locks were thrown back and forth. I was the only one trying to break it up. Which only got me into the mess as well.

"Alright that's enough!" Principal McMahon yelled causing kids to create a path for him. "Now I expected this kind of behavior from Dean, but you two I did not. Which is why I hate to say this, but the three of you have detention after school for the next week."

Adrian and Dean went ballistic and tried to tell Principal McMahon it was the other ones fault. I in the other hand sighed and thought of one thing.... my mom's gonna kill me...

I know it's shorter than that oter few, but I promise to make the next one longer... please comment what you thkght of this chapter and vote. Hope you liked it.

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