Chapter 17

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Roman's Pov

    I decided that today we wouldn't look for them, because one Dean needs to rest and two he has an appointment. So I let Dean sleep in and was getting ready to go wake him up for his appointment.

    I made him a really quick breakfast smoothie with his pills in it since he never wants to take them. It's an easier way to make him take them without actually telling him that they were in there. Once I made his smoothie, I brought it upstairs with me and to his room. I quietly opened the door, the only light coming into was the sun light in between the blinds.

    I looked at the peaceful Dean sleeping on the bed, sucking on his thumb and clutching onto one of Seth's shirts.

    I sighed. Walking over I sat on the edge and set his smoothie on the bedside table. I looked over at his sleeping figure.

    "Why did it have to be you?" I asked rubbing his bald head with my hand.

    Dean shifted slightly  when I touched his head and whined.

    I chuckled slightly and shook him lightly. "Dean it's time to wake up."

    He groaned and opened his eyes.

    "It's time to get up Deano." I said.

    "Why?" He mumbled.

    "Your doctors appointment is soon." I said.

    "I don't wanna go." He whined.

    "I know you don't, but I need to take you." I said. "I made you a strawberry, mango and papaya smoothie."

    He looked up at me with his dull eyes before taking the smoothie and drinking it. I smiled at him before getting up and getting his clothes ready.

    "Anything on where Seth might be?" He asked.

    "Not yet bud." I said and he sighed.

    "We'll never find him Roman." Dean choked out, causing me to turn around.

    "Dean... you have to stay positive. We will find him." I said, putting his clothes next to him.   

    He sniffled. "I can't help it Roman. It's been weeks."

    I sighed. "I know Dean, but we've stayed strong. Why stop now?"

    He looked down. I know he's hurting, but I want him to know we will find him.

    "Okay Roman." He said.

    I smiled weakly at him before standing up.

    "Alright get dressed man, i'll be waiting downstairs."

    He nodded and slowly got out of bed. I closed the door to give him some privacy and went downstairs. It's been hell for us here. A few days ago we were apart of a drive-by gun attack.

    The house was still a mess, the furniture was covered in bullet holes, but my parents were gonna help with getting new furniture.

    I grabbed the broom and started sweeping up more of the glass. No matter how many times I sweep, glass seems to appear. As I was sweeping though, I saw a picture of Dean and Seth kissing.

    I picked it up and smiled. They both seemed so happy. I just wish it'd stayed that way.

    "I'm ready Roman." Dean said.

    I looked behind me and saw Dean all bundled up for the cold.

    "Alright c'mon." I said, setting the picture and brook down before grabbing my coat.

    Dean walked over to the door, his smoothie in hand. I opened the door, leading Dean out and locked it. We both walked over to the car and got in. I started the car and looked over at Dean.

    "You ready?" I asked him.

    He nodded, letting me know I can go. I put the car in reverse, backing us up in the street before putting it in drive and drives off.

*    *    *

"Alright." The doctor said. "Dean's cancer seems to still be sticking strong, but as long as he takes his pill he'll be fine."

    "Thank you Dr. Anderson." I said, going over to Dean.

    "I don't wanna die Roman. Not until we find Seth." Dean said.

    "Don't say that Dean." I said. "You'll fight through this."

    "I hope so." He said sadly. "Can we go look some more?"

    "You need to rest Dean." I said

    "Please Roman, please." He started begging.

    I sighed. "Alright alright."

    He smiled and got down/ I lead him out of the hospital and helped him into the car when I got a call from detective Benson.

    "Hello?" I answered.

    "Hi, may I speak to Roman Reigns?"

    "Speaking." I said.

    "Hi this is detective Benson.  A calling today to see if you and Mr. Ambrose could come in and go over a few things in the case."

"Oh I don't know, Dean really needs rest and we've been out for a while now," I said, looking over at Dean.

"We understand, but this is very important for him to know and we need to ask a few more questions," She said, causing me to sigh.

"I guess we can come in, but not for a short amount of time," I said.

"Great, we'll see you soon," Detective said, before hanging up.

"Where are we going?" Dean asked, once I put my phone down.

"Police department. They have a few things to review and questions for you," I said, as I started driving.

"I wanted to look for Seth though," He said, groaning.

I looked over at him, before focusing on the road. I hope we find Seth soon or else Dean will be like this forever.....

I'm an idiot. Everythime I see a comment on here about the ending I continuously forget to write the ending. So sorry but here it is!!

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