Chapter 11

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Dean's POV

"Do you think he's alive?"

"Paige, he's breathing and his heart monitor is stable."

"Shhh guys, he's waking up."

I slowly opened my eyes. Looking around, as my fuzzy vision soon became clear. I turned my head more to my left and saw Seth, Roman, and Paige looking at me.

"Hey." Seth said, smiling.

"Hi." I said, weakly. "What happened?"

"You don't remember?" Roman asked.

"The last thing I remembered was my dad lighting the clothes I had on, on fire." I said.

"Dude how long were you down there?" Roman asked.

"Once I got back home that morning." I said. "How did I get here?"

"Seth brought you here." Paige said.

"After finding a way to get you out." Roman said.

"How?" I asked, looking at Seth.

"Let's just say people from school have been stopping by to check up on you." Seth said, earning a confused look from me.

"Some kids from our school are giving you a second chance thanks to your boyfriend." Paige said, smirking.

I looked at Seth and he smiled

"You told?" I asked.

"Yup. Everyone now knows that you're mine and only mine." Seth said, kissing me.

"Awe." Paige said, smiling.

"I'm hurt that you didn't tell me bro." Roman said, chuckling.

"We didn't want to tell anyone at first." I said.

"It's cool, but next time tell me." Roman said.

"No promises." I said smiling and he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever." He said.

I smiled and chuckled, looking over at Seth. "What can I go home?"

"Today. We're just waiting on my mom to come get us." Seth said.

"What happened to my dad?" I asked.

"We don't' know. He fled before anyone got there." Paige said.

"The police are looking for him now. He's going to jail, Dean... you're free." Roman said happy.

"Free?" I asked, looking at Seth.

"Yeah baby..." Seth said, moving hair out of my face. "Free."

Free... That's a new word in my life I've never used.

"W-What if he comes back?" I asked worried.

"We won't let you get hurt." Roman said.

"That's right." Seth said kissing my cheek.

I smiled at them. "Thank you."

They both smiled back as Paige walked up to me.

"Dean... I'd like to apologize for how i treated you before. I never knew how badly you were treated at home." She said.

"It's okay." I said.

"Do you think we can start over?" She asked.

"Yeah." I said smiling.

She smiled back and moved some hair from my face.

"You got a lot of gifts from people, Dean." Roman said.

I Never Knew (Ambrollins) *Undergoing Edits*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz