Live shows

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Live shows

For the live shows Blake chose Maybe It Was Memphis by Pam Tillis. I am hoping that my singing will be enough to amaze the crowds, and enough to make the want to vote to save me.

There are 16 left.

Team Adam: Sarah Simmons, Judith Hill, Caroline Glaser, Amber Carrington

Team Shakira: Garett Garner, Korena, Sasha Allen, Kris Thomas

Team Usher: Cathia, Vedo, Michelle Chamuel, Joesia Hawley

Team Blake: Me, Holly Tucker, The Swon Brothers, Justin Rivers

In three weeks it went from having 48 to 16. And to think I am one of them is amazingly awesome.

As time rolls around for my forth performance I feel the adrenalin and begin to feel excited.

"singing Maybe It Was Memphis here is Danielle Bradbery!"

Looking at you through a misty moonlight katy did sing like a symphony porch swing swinging like a tennessee lullaby melody blowing through a willow tree what was I supposed to do standing there looking at you a lonely boy far from home

Maybe it was Memphis maybe it was southern summer nights maybe it was you maybe it was me but it sure felt right

Maybe it was Memphis maybe it was southern summer nights maybe it was you maybe it was me but it sure felt right

Every night now since I've been back home lie awake drifting in the memory I think about you on my mommas front porch swing talking that way so soft to me want was I supposed to do standing there looking at you a lonely boy far from home

Maybe it was Memphis maybe it was southern summer nights maybe it was you maybe it was me but it sure felt right

Maybe it was Memphis maybe it was southern summer nights maybe it was you maybe it was me but it sure felt right

Oh maybe it was Memphis

The crowd and the judges were standing and clapping, I could just tell by the smile on his face that Blake was the happiest man on earth right now, and I could not wait to make him prouder.

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