Top 8

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Top 8

I know that I may be going home tonight and my singing career might be over, but that is not what I am supposed to be thinking right now. I should be hoping for the best and that I am part if the top 8.

To start off the night Adam and Usher sang superstition, it was really awesome!

as we take center stage I can just feel the butterflies in my stomach. This is who is left as of right now,

Team Adam: Amber Carrington, Sarah Simmons, Judith Hill

Team Shakira: Sasha Allen, Kris Thomas

Team Usher: Michelle Chamuel, Josiah Hawley

Team Blake: Me, Holly Tucker, The Swon Brothers

"America saved........"

"from team Shakira..."

"Sasha Allen!"


"from team Blake..."

"The Swon Brothers!"

After the commercial break Shakira and Blake sang need you now by Lady Antebellum. It was really sweet.

"then like before the butterflies reminded me what was happening.

"two more safe artists are...."

From team Usher...."

"Michelle Chamuel!"


"From team Adam Judith Hill!"

We all sang a quick song and then we were back on the stage. Here are the remaining un-safe artists:

Sarah Simmons, Amber Carrington, Kris Thomas, Josiah Hawley, Holly Tucker, and sadly, Me.

"four of these contestants are safe and two are going home."

"Safe are..."

"Sarah Simmons!"


Holly Tucker!"

Now I'm really starting to doubt myself, I mean there are four of us left: Amber, Josiah, Kris, and Me and Amber wows everyone, so she has nothing to worry about, Josiah has an amazing raspy side to his voice, and Kris hits incredibly high notes. I AM going home.

"the final two artist that America saved are..."

"Amber Carrington!"

"Adam what do you have to say about having your whole team voted through?"

"um, I glad that America kept our team together and I hope it stays that way."

"the final safe artist is...."


The Voice (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz