Top 6

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Top 6

Over the past week, there was a devastating natural disaster in Oklahoma and whole buildings were destroyed and lives lost, Team Blake and Team Usher (Michelle, The Swon Brothers, Holly and I) went to Oklahoma and it was so sad, there were papers still on the children's desks and the town looked like it had been run over with a bulldozer.

After we saw the damage we went to Oklahoma City to preform at the "Healing Heartland concert. All of the money went towards fixing the town and helping the families that lost members. We opened up with the national anthem and we sang play something country and then Usher an Blake sang Home by Michael Búble. I just really hope that we raised enough money for Oklahoma and that we brought some joy to the living citizens.

"Thank you guys for doing that, it helped a lot of people, now let's get down to business."

"America saved front team Blake, Holly Tucker!"


"Sasha Allen!"

These are the remaining artists that are NOT safe as of right now.

Amber, Judith, Sarah, Michelle, the Swon Brothers, and Me.

After commercials we continued,

"America saved, from team Adam, Amber Carrington!"

That wasn't a big shock to me, I mean eve time she performs she wows everyone.


"Michelle Chamuel!"

I know for a fact that she has some of the highest number of votes, because she is always saved near the beginning of the show.

"the last two safe artist are,"

"Danielle Bradbery!"

I am so relieved that I made it to the top 6.

" and The Swon Brothers!"


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