Chapter 2 - It's happend to you too?

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*Emma's pov*

I had calmed down after five minutes and I was on my way back to reception when Miss W and Rach were running down the corridor looking for me.

"Hey" I said probably too casually

"How much of that did you hear?" Miss W asked

"None of it." They looked at me in amazement, "I already know. They went to commit suicide this morning to protect me? They left me a note."

"Mum or dads handwriting?" Rach asked seriously

"Dads why?" I replied as they both looked at each other, "why?" I asked again

"Graham... Your dad murdered Kaye... Your mum." Rach explained

"B..but the letter said..." I stuttered

"It's easy to write a meaningless letters. I'm guessing it said not to go to the police?" Lucy stated

"Yeah... How did you know?" I asked bewildered pulling the letter out if my pocket

"My dad did exactly the same thing when I was your age..."

Miss W explained to me what happened afterwards and why her 'parents' were millionaires. Her parents were her aunty and uncle and they were millionaires because her dad claimed life insurance. I had to hold in my tears, it was hard as I'd been holding them in since third lesson.

*Rachels pov*

This has happened to 2 people I know? That's hardly fair! I might stay down here. I don't want to go back up to Manchester there's nothing there for me anymore. I'm on the run from my long term boyfriend, long story, and mum and Colin are always on holiday. Maybe if I stayed down here, Emma would be able to stay too? She's happy here a blind man could see that.

I drove Emma home, she has to give me directions though. I'd never been to her house. We got in and I put the kettle on. Emma started doing her homework for tomorrow.

"Em, you really don't have to do that now. Or go to school if you don't want to."

"Big cuz, you're a teacher. You know how important it is to keep my attendance up. I'd rather be in school anyway... Keeps me busy." I smiled, she's always been happy. Always seen things on the brighter side when other people may not have been.

"Em, what would you say if I said I wanted to move in here? If you want to stay here and not go to Manchester I will."

"What about Laurence, your boyfriend?"

"We're not together anymore. And mum and Colin are always on holiday. I'm bored, I can get a job down here and I'd look after you."

"That sounds great Rach, thanks."

That's good. She wants to stay here and that will be my superior motive. No one needs to know the real reason why I want to stay. Laurence freaks me out now.... He's a control freak. He wants to have kids, and I'm fine with that but he doesn't want to get married. Call me old fashioned but I want to be in a secure relationship. He has tried though...

*Emma's pov*

Rach just offered me to stay here with her, in Caerleon! Wow, she'd move all the way down here for me and leave her friends and family. I couldn't refuse her. Maybe something's happened to her to make her leave...

Don't get me wrong. It would have been amazing to get away from here. A new start where people will accept me for who I am. But I don't like to run away from things. I want show them that I don't care what they think of me. I am who I am and if they don't like that, then that's their problem.

After I'd done my homework it was only half past 4 so I slipped upstairs without Rach noticing. It sounded as if she was having a heated conversation on the phone with someone.

I really needed to talk to someone about what has happened to day. Someone I could trust but someone I didn't know too well... Strange I know but I found that easier... It would be like talking to my parents I guess... We never had a brilliant relationship.

As I was thinking about this my phone vibrated. Jessie J had just posted a picture on twitter and Instagram. Something in my brain clicked. I'll tweet her! I would have told someone and she probably won't see it so why not?

@JessieJ hi... My dad murdered my mum today and after a day like today I really need someone to talk to? xx

I honestly wasn't expecting anything back but almost immediately after my phone vibrates twice.


Emma Smith @JessieJ is now following you on twitter!

I had to pinch my self to make sure I wasn't dreaming

2) Emma Smith @JessieJ has sent you a direct message!

I hyperventilated! I couldn't believe what I was seeing! I clicked on it and it read:

Hi Emma everything will be okay! 07*********. Here's my number call me? Much love Jessie J xxx

I didn't even hesitate, or think that this could be a load if spam. It rang once.

"Hello?" I could tell from her voice it was Jessie "... Hello?" I'd forgotten to answer

"Sorry! Hi it's Emma from twitter."

"Hang on a sec." I waited whilst she explained to someone that she needed to take this call "Sorry about that."

"Are you busy? Because if you are I can call back later?"

"No, this is more important. Tell me everything."

I found my self telling Jess everything. It just came out. She didn't speak she just listened. I had to keep asking if she was still there she was so quiet. Once I had finished the only thing she said was "What's your address?"

"Why?" Did I ask her why I wanted my address? She's not exactly gonna kidnap me is she?

"I want to come and visit you."

"You can't just drop everything and come down to South Wales!"

"Honestly I can. My fans are the most important part in my career and I want to make sure they're okay."

"But your fans want you to produce more music as soon as possible."

"And I want to make sure My fans are okay... No offence or anything but I think there's more to your story than you're letting on but you don't want anyone to over hear." I stayed quiet.

"Thought so..."

I gave in and gave her my address and she promised me that she'd be here in a couple of hours. I returned downstairs to find Rach slumped against the wall...

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed and again feedback is appreciated :D

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