Chapter 36 - Bearer of Bad News

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*Emma's pov*

We arrived at eight exactly. We entered the large hall to find them just setting up. We were the first ones there. Luckily they had already put out the chairs. Jess walked us to the front, right in the middle and sat down, so I sat down next to her and Charlotte sat next to me. A guy that I recognise from sixth form walks over to us.

"Hey Jess! It's great to see you." He smiled at us all. He's either got tonnes of adrenaline running inside him right now or he's high. I'm hoping it's just adrenaline.

"Lewis! I said I'd come." She replied pulling a fifty pound note out of her purse. Charlotte and I just took a sideways glance at each other.

"SHE REMEMBERS MY NAME!" He ran off screaming. He's high and I really hope he's just high on adrenaline. A girl soon walks over to us.

"Sorry about him. He really looks up to you. He'd jump off a cliff for you." She shook her head.

"Well that's probably a lie... He's from down Bridge Water way, you know where Celyn and the rest of the druggies live?" I smirked as Charlotte whispered in my ear.

"Here you go Jodie, keep the change." Jess handed over the fifty pound note.

"Thank you soo much. Is that for these guys too?" She asked... I thought that would be obvious.

"Yeah." Jess replied with a proud smile.

"Hi guys, my name is Jodie and I'm on keys." She explained to Charlotte and I.

"I'm going to go and find Louise. I'll be back in a bit." Jess told us and left.

"I'm Emma." I smiled back at Jodie.

"And I'm Charlotte." Charlotte echoed with her name.

"It's really nice to meet you guys. What happened to you Emma? If you don't mind me asking." I sighed.

"Were you in school today?" I replied with a question in which she nodded as her response. "Did you hear about Miss Griffiths?" I asked

"Yeah... Is it true?" She asked

"Well if you heard correctly then yes and I'm her."

"So you were stabbed?" I looked at Charlotte and burst into fits of laughter.

"Oh god. No. She dragged me down the corridor in the F block and pushed me against a wall and then threw me into Mr Pratt's office." I told her the truth. "Wow, I wonder what else people have been spreading around. I'd love to find out." I smiled at the thought of all the possibilities that could have travelled around school.

"I've heard some other stuff, but I'll let you find out what they are." She smirked and skipped off.

"Maybe I should put a status on Facebook." I said to Charlotte. I opened the app and took a quick look down my news feed. Most of it was filled with Jessie J and Harry Potter stuff. Some of the Jessie J fan pages that I've liked are going crazy. They think something really bad has happened to Jess because she hasn't been on Twitter or Instagram since Wednesday. I'll tell her later. I started to type out my status.

Hi guys, I just thought you should know that I am perfectly fine. I got away with only a dislocated ankle. I have heard one rumour that I have been stabbed, but I can confirm that I have NOT. However, I would love to hear what rumours have been traveling around because I need entertaining. This gig doesn't start for another hour! - with Charlotte Grayland at Goytre Village Hall.

It didn't take long for my family to reply. I swear they all stalk me on Facebook and it really annoys me because my parents didn't, it was always my uncle and my cousins, mainly my cousins Linda and Shelly commented and liked stuff but I know that my uncle Colin always saw whatever I posted and talked to my mum about it. I don't know how or when but Linda and Shelly had obviously talked about it and set up a group chat with Sarah, who is Rachels sister, so my other step cousin. Linda was the first one to 'speak up'.

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