Chaper 72 - Straight Again

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*Emma's pov*

Whilst Jess went for her scans I decided to go down to the canteen and get a drink and some food, as it was about lunch time in school, however that meant it was lunch time for everyone in the hospital too, which meant big queues. "Excuse me, are you Emma?" A young woman who was behind me in the queue asked me.

"Errrrm... Yes?"

"Are you Emma as in Jessie J's Emma?" She question. Oh shit.... This could go bad. I'm a crap liar.

"No. It's just a coincidence we have the same name. I've been asked a lot though. Apparently I look like her as well. I'm not though. I don't even like Jessie J." Lair, lair, pants on fire.

"Oh... It's just that no one's heard from Jessie for a few days and reports say she's in this hospital somewhere." She explained.

"I have no idea, I'm sorry. My mum works in hematology and we had a training day in school." I made up. It was half the truth. If my mum was still alive she'd work in hematology.

I ordered a jacket potato with beans and cheese and sat down at a table.

"It was nice talking to you." The young woman smiled and walked with her food towards the stairs.

I can't believe I managed to lie to her. Or maybe she could tell I was lying and didn't say anything because she understood that Jessie was here somewhere. I said It was a training day in school... I'm in school uniform. Oh crap. I should probably go home, it would be safer for me to not be around people at the moment.

Despite myself thinking that, I finished my food quickly and got the lift to the hematology department. I wanted to go and see my mums best friend. See how she is. Jess won't be back for a while yet, there were a lot of tests that had to be performed to alert us if there was something wrong. I hopped into the lift and pressed number six. Five minutes later I was stood outside my mum's old office that she shared with Amy, her best friend, and some other people. My hands had become quite clammy and sweaty indicating to me that I was nervous, but I have no idea why. I knocked on the door but there was no answer so I plugged in the code. I opened the door and took in the emptiness of the office. I glanced over to my mum's old desk, next to Amy's, which surprisingly hasn't been cleared. Memories of how I used to spend the days of the summer holidays cooped up on this office because there was no one to look after me. I sat down in my mum's old chair and picked up the school photo she had of me. It was from when I was six and I actually look decent in it. I had my hair split in two plaits and the smile on my face looked genuine. If only I could be that young again.

"Hello?" A woman's voice that I recognised from somewhere spoke behind me. I turned around to find the woman from the canteen stood in the door way. "Oh it's you... From the canteen."

"Yeah... I should probably explain."

"I think you should." The young woman spoke.

"Well... I was only half lying earlier... My mum did work here..." I turned back to her desk partly to hide from this woman. "She died a few months ago and... I just feel closer to her here." That definitely wasn't a lie. I do feel closer to mum here. Closer than I've felt in a long time.

"Why am I supposed to believe you now?" She was stern. Her voice made me shrink in fear. I felt weak and vulnerable, I had no idea why, but I needed Jess, I needed her to comfort me.

"Please, just let me speak to Amy and then I'll go." I pleaded. What is wrong with me? Where's my courage gone? This shouldn't scare anyone anyway.

"Carly? What's- Oh Em! It's good to see you!" Amy spoke ecstatically. Her slightly round body coming through the door. Her short, blonde bob bouncing around. Her plain t-shirt being her favourite colour, purple, and her long denim skirt covering her legs. The typical Amy look.

"Hey." I smiled shyly at her.

"This girl broke into the office to speak to you." The young woman, Carly, spoke.

"I hardly broke in. I knew the code." I replied.

"Yeah, Carly it's fine. Emma is Kaye's daughter." Amy backed me up. "She used to spend the holidays here."

"Okay... Well she bunked off school so you should call her dad or something." Wow. She's a little frosty.

"Good luck with that." I muttered. I'm still very bitter about my dad.

"Carly haven't you got work to do?" Amy asked. She knows exactly what's happened with my dad.

"You do too."  She snarled. This woman really doesn't like me.

"Actually I'm on lunch." Amy snapped back.

"Fine." Carly spat and slammed the door behind her.

"Sorry about her. She's new... She doesn't understand." Amy apologised.

"What doesn't she understand?" I asked.

"How hard it is without your mum. How hard it is to just continue with my life as normal. You coming in has really made my day. Thank you." Amy smiled.

"You can pop around whenever you want you know?" I reassured her.

"I have a few times but-"

"I wasn't there." I finished Amy's sentence. "Sorry... I was with-"

"Jess?" Amy finished my sentence and I nodded. "And I'm guessing she's the reason you're here and not skipping school... Or you're skipping school to see her?"

"I'm not skipping school. Lucy brought me here." I replied.

"So the rumours are true?" She asked.

I nodded. "But you can't tell anyone otherwise I'll be in deep shit." I warned.

"I understand. How have you been anyway?" Amy asked. I could tell she was actually interested in how I was. We've always looked out for each other.

Amy and I chatted for a few hours. Amy's lunch break obviously being longer than it should have been, but David, her boss, allowed it because he misses my mum too. I could see it in his eyes. However that only pissed Carly off more. She really doesn't like me now. I made my way back down to Jess' room to my ears being greeted with a conversation between her and Holly. I decided to eavesdrop on their conversation. I know you're not supposed to do that to people but... I was curious... "Oh come on Jess. You were crazy about her. Why else do you think you moved down here?" I heard Holly questioning Jess.

"I don't know Hol. The one thing I do know is that I'm straight!" Jess sounded angered. My life felt as though it came crushing down on me. She's walked back into the closet... She's forgotten who she is... Now there's definitely no chance she's going to love me now...

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Well you can thank Jessica Cornish herself for this idea...  Blame her not me...

This MIGHT be the last update for a while... I really need to get my ass into gear and start revise... God help me pleease :'(

Dedicated to Ellykats for being cool like always :) Go check out her books if you haven't already because they are amazing :D Just the way she words things.......

So yeah... Thanks for reading, commenting and voting.

Emma xx

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