Chapter 32 - Blonde Bitch Part 2

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*Emma's pov*

Blonde Bitch continued to drag me down the corridor and people started to gather.

"Miss, don't you think this is a bit unfair?" I asked her as calmly as I could. "Fuck." I landed on my ankle strangely.

"This? Unfair?" She asked as she pulling my closer to her by my collar. "I'll tell you what unfair. Being in love with a man that screws you over with another man. THAT IS WHAT IS FUCKING UNFAIR!" She screamed. I looked around. Where the hell are the teachers when you need them? We were by my form room right now and there were three other classrooms, each with students coming out of, meaning there must be teachers here somewhere. But this is the corridor that leads to Mr Pratt's office. Just through the double doors and round the corner and you'd be face to face with his door.

"So you are jealous then?" Is what came out from between my lips next before I could stop it. She glared at me and threw me against the wall. I banged my head pretty hard against the cold stone wall.

"I'd never be jealous of you filthy little dykes if I was paid to be." To say she was pissed off was an understatement. I could see all the resentment she had towards me in her eyes and I'm not going to lie, I was scared. I had no idea what she was capable of. I made a promise to myself. If she attacked me, I wouldn't fight back. Then it would be all her fault and she'd be sent to prison. I smiled at thought and she spat at my face.

"Oh look." I pointed down the corridor. "There goes the fuck I give. You're just a blonde bitch that means nothing to me." This just angered her more.

Two minutes later I was being physically thrown into Mr Pratt's office. She didn't even knock, I thought that was quite rude. However I landed awkwardly on the same ankle. "Mother of holy fuckers." Was what flew out of my mouth. It was the most painful thing that's ever happened to me and I'm pretty sure I heard a crunch. I looked up to find Mr Pratt, Janet and Rachel looking down at me. "Oops." Was all I could muster.

"Would you care to explain to me what is going on?" Mr Pratt asked you could here the annoyance in his voice.

"Ask her." I pointed to Blonde Bitch who was looking rather satisfied at me in a heap on the floor. Everyone turned around to look at her.

"First, I told her to leave the classroom for her appalling attitude. At the end of the lesson I find her and that boy talking so I brought her to see you. All the way down here she was screaming abusive things and using fowl language." My jaw dropped. That couldn't be further from the truth if she tried. Well, I was using fowl language but you know?

"What abusive things." Me Pratt asked. Janet and Rachel were stood there staring at me in disbelief.

"She called me a blonde bitch." She said in her best innocent voice. It was to shrill for my liking.

"And what do you have to say for yourself Emma?" He asked. Janet and Rachel helped me up and immediately I almost collapsed. The pain going through my ankle at the moment and my head is spinning, I'm surprised I'm still thinking straight.

"I'll admit to the fowl language, but it wasn't just me using it was it miss? I mean, first she accused me of shagging girls in the toilets whilst really I was talking to these two. Then I accused her of being jealous because she was so interested in my love life. I announced that I was still a virgin. She then says and I quote." I do the little quotation marks in the air for added emphasis, "'You filthy little dyke. Get the fuck out of this classroom.' I say it's my pleasure and I prefer the term bush basher babe. And that's all before she grabbed me by the collar, threw me against the wall, spat on my face and threw me in here." I smirked. This is in front of two police officers and all I said was that she was a bitch that meant nothing to me.

"It's all lies." She announced getting worried. Her voice sounded distant. I found my eye kids growing heavier. I put one of my hands to the back of my head and feel a warm sticky substance matted in my hair. I brought my hand to my eyes and found blood. It's a good job Janet and Rachel were holding on to me because I swayed on the spot a bit. Mr Pratt had engaged in a serious conversation with Miss Griffiths. See my head is fucked, I didn't even call her Blonde Bitch.

"Rach. There's blood." I breathed out, it was actually becoming effort to breath. "I banged my head when she threw me against the wall. And now there's blood." I felt myself falling to the floor or was I being lowered? I don't know. The next thing I remember was being wheeled in a chair across to the other side of the ABC block with the nurse's office in. "Charlotte needs to come with me. Charlotte Grayland. She's coming over my house. She has to come with me." I breathed

"But you need to go to hospital." The nurse said.

"Well she can come to the hospital with me then."

"No she can't."

"Emma?" I hear Lucy call from somewhere.

"When school finishes, bring Charlotte to the hospital. She's still coming over tonight, hospital or no hospital."

"I will don't worry." With this said I slipped back into the land of unconsciousness..

AUTHOR'S NOTE: haha! I feel evil ;) and I've been told I'm horrible by @JadeWithers but oh well! I'm not sure if I'll be able to update every night from now on but I'll update as much as possible :D

Thank you for all the reads, votes and comments :)

I do believe it's up to 5k reads and 129 votes?! That's amazing guys thank you so much :D

Emma xx

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