Chapter 84 - Coming Out To The World

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*Emma's pov*

"Clair you've got to help me." I muttered as I paced around outside before going in to Jess' house.

"Ems you'll be fine, you've just been thinking about it too much." Clair reminded me. Like she even had to.

I walked into chemistry revision and the whole room went quiet. I was five minutes late to the revision session and even my teacher stared me down with a smirk. I made my apology and walked across the front of the class with everyone's eyes following me. Throughout the hour I barely took in a single piece of information. I couldn't stop thinking of what was going to happen once Jess and I told everyone we were in a relationship. The thing I was most worried about was the heartbeats.

"But what about the heartbeats?" I asked Clair.

"What about them?" She asked in reply sounding slightly confused.

"What if they don't like me? What if they decide that I'm not good enough for Jess? When we all thought Jess was dating Tinie Tempah, a lot of heartbeats kinda turned against him... I don't want that to happen."

"There's a difference between you and Patrick though." I stared at her so she would continue. "You're female and he's male."

"No shit Sherlock." I spoke sarcastically.

"Yeah but it makes a difference and you know it, being a heartbeat yourself."

"Yeah, but it shouldn't." I retorted.

"I know. There's another difference between you and Pat though."

"Go on. Enlighten me." I rolled my eyes.

"Heartbeats ship you and Jess together. I've never head anyone ship Jess and Pat together. You'll be fine. Clair knows."


"Em? How long have yo- Who are you talking to?" Jess opened the front door.

"Oh... No one." Jess is starting to get suspicious about why I'm talking to myself all the time.

"First sign of madness that is, unless you're talking to a ghost." I froze. I looked at Clair who was standing directly in front of Jess so it didn't look too weird.

"Jess do you believe in ghosts?" I asked curiously.

"Nah." Was Jess' reply. Clair's smile slowly faded. "There's no evidence for them. I think people just say they've seen one for attention." Jess explained. She will believe in ghosts. She'll understand one day. I reassured Clair. "Anyway, how long have you been out here for?" Jess asked.

"Not long." I smiled.

"Okay. Come in then." Jess hurried me in.

Somehow within the two hours I had been absent from Jess, Mark had managed to get down here and Jess looked even more stressed and worried. Jess ushered me to the room we did the Google Hangout in a few months back. "We're just going to do a YouTube video." Jess explained.

"So we just say stuff and it's not live so it can be edited right?"

"Yeah but we want to do it as quickly as possible."

"I wouldn't say that because I'm gonna mess up now." Jess glared at me. This is definitely business Jess. Jessie J is shining through right now. "Sorry." I mumbled. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out to find a new tweet from Jessie. I looked up at Jess, who was still glaring at me. She obviously didn't tweet. I looked around to Mark who was hunched over the laptop, obviously it was Mark. At least he managed to type heartbeats and not heatbeats. I opened the tweet. "Six?" I questioned. The tweet was to alert everyone that an anouncement was coming at six. "That's only like... fifty minutes."

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