Chaper 10 - Introductions

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*Emma's pov*

Jess and I were ready by 8 so we left the house. I was bored and needed to get out and relax with Jess before school where no one would bother us. We walked down the street hand in hand. Both smiling, just enjoying each others company.

I reached for my iPhone in my pocket out of habit and I took my hand away from Jess' to plug my ear phones in. Jess pouted and gave me the puppy dog eyes... God I can't resist them.

"Two secs... I have to listen to my music in the morning otherwise I won't function." Jess smiled, "what?" I laughed

"You really take music that seriously? You can't function right without music?"

"It's sad I know..."

"No it's not..." She paused, "I used to be like you. Music was my life support. Stuff the beta blockers. I only needed music. I bet you've got a beautiful voice." She hinted for me to sing

"No way." I replied sternly

"Pleeeeaaase..." She used the puppy dog eyes again

I sighed... She's gonna win every argument if she does this. "Fine." I scrolled down my music list to find something that I could sing well. Normally I'd just sing anything... But this is Jessie Fucking J... I have to do well... Oh my god that would be embarrassing. What if people only said I was good just to be polite? Fuck fuck fuck a duck!

"Okay... Here goes.

Oh her eyes, her eyes,

Make the stars look like they're not shining,

Her hair, her hair,

Falls perfectly without her trying,

She's so beautiful,

And I tell her every day.

I know, I know,

When I complement her she won't believe me,

And if so, it's so,

sad to think that she don't see what I see

But every time she ask me do I look okay?

I say

When I see your face,

There's not a thing that I would change

Cos girl you're amazing,

Just the way you are.

And when you smile,

The whole world stops and stares for a while,

Cos girl you're amazing,

Just the way you are...." I stopped because the other people who were walking to school had all stopped. I blushed.... Violently.

"Babe. That was amazing." Jess said to break the silence.

"Yeah Em it was." I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and saw an old friend who I hadn't talked to for nearly three years. It was Jess Renton. We've known each other for forever but when we were put into our forms for comp, we were put in completely different ones so we didn't see each other and just grew apart to the point where we'd just smile and say hi whenever we'd see each other.

"Wow. Thanks Jess." I said gratefully to both of them. She came over and hugged me. I saw Sophie Rideout and Adele Wheelan smiling at me. Which surprised me. They're popular people. Why would they pay attention to me?!

They walked on and Jess C grabbed my hand. We got a few stares from other people but we don't care. I am who I am. Jess pulled me on to her lap as we were sat on one of the posts waiting for Becky and Harrison. "So what are you gonna do today?" I asked Jess. I was very curious as she doesn't know her way around Caerleon and I know she gets lost very easily.

"Well I'm gonna go into Caerleon and go into Roberts and co. to have a look at that house and maybe put an offer in." She replied confidently

"Do you know how to get there and back?" I asked concerned, I don't want her to get lost.

"Kinda..." She looked away

"Jess... I know what your like. You get lost with a satnav." I joked

"I know but I remember it from last night. I just need to get to the green and then I'll be fine." She half asked half said. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Well if you follow us to school then I can tell you the way... But I can't show you otherwise I'd be late for school."

"That sounds great Em. I honestly cannot wait to move down here. I get to see you all the time then." She said with a smile spreading across her face. I looked deep into her eyes. Deeper and deeper. They told a thousand tales. I don't know how long I was staring for but I heard a cough behind me so I turned around to find out who it was that disturbed our moment!

"Oh..." Was all I could say.

"Good morning to you to Em! How's life?" Harrison replied

"Hi. I'm Jess, you must be Harrison. I've heard a lot about you." Jess introduced herself. I blushed. Harrison stared.

"All good I hope." Oh fuck. It wasn't good... I blamed him for breaking my heart. I looked at Jess who just put on a smile and nodded.

We all started talking. I'm glad Harri didn't bring up the conversations I normally had about Jess with him... That would be so awkward! Becky arrived five minutes later.

"Oh my God!" Becky almost screamed

"What?!" I smiled

"Why are you here? I thought you'd be at home. I didn't think you'd be here especially smiling and with Jessie J here. How did you do it?"

"Oh um..." I don't know how to answer

"You must be Becky then? Well... Sounds like you already know who I am so there's no point in telling you." Jess sighs

"Well how can I not tell its you? Emma doesn't shut up about you." Becky burst out. I blush even worse

"Thanks Beck! And in answer to your questions... I'm here because I don't want to be stuck in a house all day with people taking pity on me. Anyway I've also got something to prove to Elys."

"Em, you have nothing to prove to that bitch."Jess cuts me off, Becky stares at her and Harri laughs. We all hate Elys but we can't get rid of her! It's so annoying!

"Anyway and Jess is here because... Well I'll let her explain." I smiled at Jess and push her into the line light. She took it well, which I was pleased with. We started walking when Jess started explaining

"Well... My heartbeats..." Harri snickered so I playfully punched him. Jess looked hurt at this but still carries on. "My fans are the most important things to me apart from my family and friends. Emma sent me a tweet last night and I came to her help. I stayed with her last night and I'm gonna buy the house at the bottom of Trinity View and live there. It's nice down here. Nicer than London almost nicer than Cornwall. But moving down here means that I can make sure that Emma's okay." She look at me and smiled. Her smiles are contagious so I smiled too.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated :) x

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