Chapter 36 part 1

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 Sorry that there isn't much going on in this chapter but the next two are going to be very eventful. I've been busy lately so I apologize for not posting sooner because I really wanted more time to write but didn't have it. Thanks for reading :)

            After Les let me in and I explained everything that happened to him then physically forcing him to sit back down and NOT go after Nate, we decided it was best for me to just relax and watch a movie to get my mind off of him.  Les chose and fun, uplifting movie that didn’t reference love in any way; Fantasia 2000. It didn’t do much to help me. My mind was wandering the whole time as I stared blankly outside to where the rain was still pouring down hard. Numbness had fallen over me and thoughts were swirling around my mind of Nate and everything that we’ve gone through the last few months. It seemed stupid to give up each other when we both cared so much. I was definitely having regrets, but what could I do now? What was done is done. Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t go back and tell him that I didn’t want to break up. There was a huge possibility that he wouldn’t change his mind. I didn’t want to hurt anymore.

            A single tear fell from the corner of my eye, which I swiftly caught and rubbed away. I refused to cry and think about this anymore. There really was no point in crying. Yes, it hurt that we would no longer hold hands, kiss, or just be with one another but crying over it wouldn’t change that fact. I just had to move on like he surely would be at college with all those college girls.

            “Whoa…ow.” I winced putting my hand over my heart where a stabbing pain was just produced.

            I couldn’t even think about him with other girls. Shaking my head, I tried to erase the image of Nate all together. It was a mutual decision. I made this choice and I now had to live with it.


            There was a knock at my bedroom door that temporarily made me forget my inner turmoil and regrets about Nate until my dad walked in started to say something, stopped, stared and then said, “Honey, what’s wrong? You look like you’ve been crying.”

            And bring on the water works once again. So much for no more crying.

            My dad had a look of panic on his face and quickly came to sit down next to me, putting his arm around me so awkwardly that I had to chuckle at it.

            “Umm, what’s wrong? Did something happen? Is it that boy N-“

            “Yes.” I mumbled, cutting him off, “We uh, broke up.”

            He gave me an understanding look and pulled me closer.

            “Aw, honey, I’m sorry. Break ups suck.”  I rolled my eyes at his attempt at consoling words.

            “Yeah dad it does.” I moved away from him and buried my head into my pillow.

            “Sorry, I really don’t know what to say here…” He admitted sounding helpless.

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