chapter 23

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Hey everyone, I know it took awhile for me to upload and I know that teaser well, teased you but this is still short, I'm sorry I am trying my best but I have been really stressed lately and it has been hard for me to write. I just wanted to say I really appreciate all the support and I will continue to try to write as fast as I can, just don't get too mad if I can't upload as often as we all would like. I'm not sure how much longer this is going to be but it can't go on forever. So if anyone has suggestions to what you would like to read from me just message me so I can start an outline for it because it makes life much easier, this story doesn't really have an outline and look how hard it is for me to write...lmao anyway thanks for fanning, comment and vote! :D Wow I wrote alot today haha

Eventually, I was able to fall back asleep after I sat for two hours trying to wrap my mind around the dream. I couldn't make sense of it. If there was some hidden message in it, I didn't catch it. I woke up around ten in the morning and got up to take a shower. Half an hour later I was walking downstairs in jeans and a plain, white t-shirt. I had my dark, brown hair braided down my back so it could dry wavy. I headed for the kitchen to get something to eat but I was stopped by Renee. She was smiling at me and looked excited for some reason. She grabbed my arm and I stared at her in confusion.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

I tugged out of her grasp and started back down stairs, "Going to get something to eat." I said annoyed.

"Nope, you can eat after; I have a surprise for you!" She squealed happily.

"Surprise?" I asked wary.

"Yup. Come on." She smiled taking me back upstairs.

She led me down the hall past my room until we reached her room. She let go of me and went inside disappearing into her closet. I slowly walked in and stood in the middle of the room not knowing what to do. What is she doing?

"Close your eyes!" I heard Renee call from the closet.

I frowned but obliged. I closed my eyes and left my arms limp at my sides. I listened to the sounds coming from the other side of the room trying to figure out what she was doing. Renee was shuffling her clothes around and making a crumpling noise that sounded like she was going through plastic bags. She sighed in aggravation and I started to tap my foot impatiently. It was obvious that she couldn't find what she was looking for. I took a deep breath and then heard Renee yell, "Aha!"

The padding of her footsteps told me she was coming back out with whatever she had found. My eyes fluttered, almost opening but Renee told me not to look yet. I felt her stop in front of me and she riffled through a bag again. Something landed with a thump on the bed behind me and I took a step back, surprised. Renee grabbed onto my shoulders and pushed me forward then stopped me. I knew she was behind me because I felt her leaning over me with her arms out in front holding something.  

"Okay, open your eyes." She said in my ear.

A small burst of excitement flipped in my stomach and I opened my eyes. For one second I saw that I was in front of the mirror.  I looked down and I realized why I was standing in front of it. Renee was holding up a dress to my average size frame. I was confused to why she bought me a dress. Firstly, I hated wearing dresses-most of the time. And secondly, where would I need to wear a dress to? I'm not sure what the expression on my face was but through the mirror I saw Renee smiling.

"Do you like it?" She asked hopeful.

I looked back to the dress. I had to admit, it was really cute. If I had seen it in a store I would have probably gotten it. It had a sleeveless bodice, crocheted white with a soft orange, pink and yellow skirt that flowed down right to my knees. The dress was perfect to wear during the fall; it matched the scenery outside perfectly. The orange reminded me of the changing leaves that fell off the trees. I was thankful that today was not going to be that cold outside, so if I wore it, I would only need to pair it with a cardigan and flats.

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