Chapter 1: the official end to summer

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Chapter 1: The Official End to Summer

I was packing my clothes and other belongings into my suitcase as I was preparing for summer camp! I never even wanted to go to this stupid camp in the first place! Let alone for the ENTIRE summer, but my mom was making me, saying I needed to learn to be more sociable and that it would be a good experience for me. Now all of a sudden she wants to send me to camps and be more involved in my life. Saying that this will somehow help me, yeah right this is going suck plain and simple.

I was planning on having a quiet summer to myself just relaxing, sleeping in, and reading a few good books but no, did she ever ask if I wanted to go to this?! And I was plenty sociable and had many friends thank you very much! I practically begged her to not let me go but she already paid for the dumb thing anyways and I have no choice now. This was not how I was supposed to plan my summer, at a camp I never even heard of where none of my friends are going and it holds none of my interests. I mean I liked sports but I haven't played anything in two years for personal reasons that is. I mentally shook the thought from my head as I continued to pack.

Don't get me wrong I like camping and things like that but this is some camp for theatre or arts or something like that (which I'm awful at) and does not have one sport.

I finally finished packing when my mom called my name from downstairs.

"Isabelle Claire Mason! You better hurry and get down here right now before the bus to camp leaves you!"

I sighed in frustration"Good! I never wanted to go to this dumb camp anyway!" I yelled to my mother from upstairs.

"Now Izzy, you know I already paid for this camp and I hear its really fancy and quite nice and it's gonna be a great opportunity to meet new people!" My mom exclaimed.

"First of all don't call me Izzy you know I don't like that name anymore. Second of all I wouldn't have to be going to this stupid camp in the first place and 'waste' all your money if you just asked me in the first place if I wanted to go or not!"

My mother sighed in frustration, Iz..Isabelle I didn't ask you because I knew you would say no and I think this would be good for you since your dad died you haven't acted the same. That was when you were 14 and you will be turning 17 pretty soon you need to let people in."

"Mom! You say that I don't open up to people and I'm not 'sociable' but at least I have friends who care about me and I make an effort unlike you!"

I quickly realized what I did and apologized.

"Just don't be late." Was what my mom said and before I got on the bus she said "I love you."

As the bus pulled up to my house some other kids were already on the bus as I put my suitcase up and took my seat in the middle by myself. Everyone was looking at me strangely as if I had two heads, but I just ignored them and put my earbuds in to listen to music from my iPod. This was going to be a long ride I tried to think positive since 5 hours in a bus with people I didn't know was surely going to be fun! *sarcastic*

Though I still am having a hard time processing that I still have to spend my whole summer at a camp I never even wanted to go to.

And as I was thinking if I was ever going to get out of here still sane, someone had the nerve to sit next to me when I clearly wanted to be left alone.

Thanks for reading!!! :)

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