Chapter 22: Forget me not

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Hey everybody! I'm back! Just a reminder at the end of the chapter please read the A/N: at the end! That is all anyway I now present chapter 22!

Chapter 22: Forget me not

As soon as I opened the screen door, I saw Henry standing at the bottom of my cabin steps dressed somewhat nicely in a light blue bottom down shirt and dark jeans with brown shoes, accompanied with a bundle of red flowers in his hand and a huge grin on his face.

His grin seemed contagious as I soon realized, as I reached the bottom steps, that I too had a ridiculous smile on my face that matched his.

"Henry, what's all this? It's so thoughtful of you to bring me flowers but you didn't have to and I don't want to sound rude but I was really tired so we could hang out tomorrow?" I asked curiously.

I really was happy and surprised he did this but I was super tired from today.

Man I must be acting like a totally bitch right now, what's wrong with me?! Perhaps my lack of sleep is the reason for my irritability.

Though just before I could apologize for my sour mood Henry spoke.

His smile seemed to have dropped a little but he soon regained back his composure to make it seem like I didn't notice. But what made it worse is that I did notice and it made me feel ten times worse.

He gave a small chuckle, "You's usually the guy to forget something this important in a relationship..." he suggested.

That's when it clicked in my mind, and just when I thought I couldn't possibly feel worse about the situation, I did.

My face felt as if it were in fire and I covered my face in my hands.

"Happy anniversary, Isabelle." he stated.

"Oh my gosh! Henry I'm SO so so so sorry! God, I feel positively absolutely terrible I forgot about this! Dammit, I'm an awful girlfriend, I don't deserve a person as good as you if I can't even remember something this special..." I was close to tears as I continued to ramble on.

I almost never cried in front of other people and now as I felt my eyes threatened for the tears to spill, and the amount of guilt building up inside of me, I couldn't help but let out a small sob and let a few tears slide down my face in the process.

Before I could pull myself together I felt Henry's strong arms envelope me in a warm hug, pulling me close to him so there was no space left in-between us. I then responded by wrapping my arms around his slightly broad shoulders and quieted by sobs.

He rubbed my back saying, "Hey, it's alright if you forgot. It really isn't that big of a deal, honestly I would be surprised if you remembered given all the stuff that's been going on lately, I just thought we could take your mind off of it tonight, but if you are too tired I understand." he finished.

I pulled back and looked at him.

"But it does matter because you still managed to remember and you even planned this out with flowers and who knows what else I didn't even get you anything. I just feel terrible," I replied sadly.

I have stopped the tears by now, but I guess he could still tell I had a sullen look on my face. Because he then placed his hand on my cheek making his thumb rub away the remaining stray tears.

"You know, since the first day I meet you I knew you were the one for me. now this may sound crazy and ridiculous and some people may still say it's just a silly summer crush or fling. But I have never been happier with anyone else than with I am with you. I can always be comfortable and myself around you, like we have known each other for years. Being with you is as natural and as easy as breathing.

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