Chapter 17: Unexpected Events

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~ok everyone I decided I will just have to choose myself what will happen in this next chapter, since I received no comments on what you all wanted to pick. This makes me kinda sad but no problem I just decide to finally write the next chapter since its been a while since my last update so here goes...~

And I am super uber sorry for taking a lifetime to post again! :( but I appreciate the wait!

Chapter 17: Unexpected Events

The world seemed to stand frozen in that moment. Sure there were people still dancing and drinking and having a fun time, but everything seemed deathly silent to me.

I may been over reacting right now but I was surprised give me a break!

Logan stood there with a smug look on his face, "well don't stop the party on my account." He pronounced.

All I could do was stare, not in awe but in horror, how dare he come crash my birthday party?!

Henry stood next to me fuming with anger, looking as if steam would come pouring out of his ears any second now.

I finally managed to speak, "What are you doing here Logan?!"

"Well to come wish you happy birthday of course!" He said with sarcasm,"and to come bring you and everyone else some interesting news." He said seeming amused by the fact.

"Why Isabelle haven't you heard yet? Your camp transfer has finally come through! And you will be able to go to camp with me now, isn't that just great news?!" Logan declared a little too enthusiastically.

As those words spilled out of his mouth it felt as if the entire world came to a stop. Now after trying so hard to get into that camp I don't want to leave this one. How will Henry take this?

"What is he talking about Isabelle?" Asked Henry.

Oh crap I can't believe I forgot to tell him, how could I be so stupid?! What will he think now?!

"Oh yes, do tell ignorant Henry what I am talking about Isabelle," Logan sneered.

I dreaded this moment I never thought it would come anyways but now I must face the truth.

"What is it Isabelle?" asked Henry.

"Well, at the beginning of the summer I was really supposed to go to the camp across the road from us. But they mixed up the papers and sent me here instead." I summed up.

"That's it? That's not a big deal..."

"Ah Isabelle, you forgot to mention that you never wanted to come to this miserable camp and that you have been trying to get out." Logan interrupted.

"Is that true?" asked Henry.

"No! I mean at first..yes but, when I found out I liked this camp more. And...I got to know you I didn't want to leave!" I tried to explain.

"I'm really sorry that I didn't tell you Henry."

"You think I would be mad or angry at you right now? All this happened in the very 1st weeks of summer I understand that you would try and switch at first that's normal. I wouldn't be mad at you for that.", he explained.

When those words came out of his mouth I felt so relieved to hear them. I quickly gave him a hug for understanding.

Logan just stood there with a look of anger on his face.

"Well since Isabelle isn't willing to come to our wonderful camp, I guess I must come to her," proclaimed Logan.

All of our heads shot towards him. what was he talking about he was bluffing right?! He couldn't possibly be serious bout switching camps in the middle if the summer, would he?

Henry turned to face him, " You are not going anywhere near this camp or Isabelle again." he said sternly.

"Oh is that what you think dear Henry? Well I beg to differ because there is nothing in your camp rules about new incoming campers throughout the summer!" announced Logan.

"So I would think carefully about what you say and do next Henry, life is about to get very complicated."

And with that Logan left us standing there in shock with the situation that just occurred then.

"You don't think he actually meant it do you?" I asked Henry.

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out starting with if what he said was true or not." he answered.

Henry started to head towards the counselor's office when I tried to keep up behind him.

Just great! not only was Logan(a.k.a creepy stalker boy) trying to ruin the rest if my summer and come to my camp, but he is also trying to ruin my relationship with Henry!

When my mom told me summer camp was going to be unforgettable and full of surprises I did not expect this that's for sure.

"Henry, wait a minute." I tried to keep up with him on the way towards the counselor's office but didn't mange to stop him before he went in the cabin.

He locked the door behind him so I was not able to enter.

After a few minutes he came back out a look of defeat on his face.

"Well, what happened?" I asked him.

"They said there is nothing they can do about it. If a new applicant applies to the camp the must accept them unless they have a criminal history or reported undesirable behavior from another camp." he replied.

"Well I don't care if he comes here or not anymore. I have you and that's all that matters. Plus if Logan tries to start something it will be him who is kicked out of the camp."I stated.

Henry looked at me with hope in his eyes. "your right. sometimes I really don't understand you but, even you can make this situation seem better."

We walked hand in hand back towards the lake as we took our minds off of what was happening and tried to think of what positive things could happen between us.


I'm super super sorry to everyone for not posting this in forever! :( I know it doesn't sound that well but I have been really busy lately and haven't had a chance to update! comment your ideas on upcoming chapters I kinda have writers block right now and the story will be ending soon sadly. :( let me know what you think! again really truly sorry for the wait but I hope everyone enjoys it so far!

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