Chapter 10: Apologizing

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Chapter 10: Apologizing

Henry just said he liked me?! I was silently freaking out and a little bit happy at the same time.

I dared to look back at his face to see he had a look of regret and hope?

We both stood there for what seemed like the longest silence ever, until I finally broke it.

" get's getting kinda late."I said nervously.

And with that before getting a response from him, I sped off running back to my cabin.

When I finally reached my cabin I collapsed onto my bed feeling like a complete jerk for what I just did to Henry.

But I honestly did not know what to do in that moment but run, and I feel awful.

Luckily Natalie wasn't here yet, and I really didn't want her to find out about what happened, that's the last thing I needed right now.

What was I gonna do?! I never thought something like this would happen?! How could I treat practically my best and only friend like that!

I couldn't take it anymore so I just cried. I must sound like a complete selfish brat right now, but after my fit of crying I knew I had to talk to Henry and it had to be soon.

It was starting to get pretty late in the night almost midnight.

I pulled myself together while searching for Henry. I first checked his cabin with no luck. I guessed a lot of people were still at the party because it was practically a ghost town right now or asleep I didn't know which.

I practically searched the whole freakin' camp looking for him, he must either be pretty pissed off at me or so upset with my reaction he is avoiding me.

I was now just wandering around the camp trying to find Henry, then realizing that I had no idea what I would say to him.

Ugh! How would I know what to say! I felt so stupid to forget that!

I then felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and turned around to see Henry facing me. Too late to back out now I thought.

"Hey I was looking for you," we both said at the same time.

"I'm sorry for running off like that." I said shyly.

"No I'm sorry for just blurting what I said out loud." He replied.

Was he blushing?

"No, you shouldn't be apologizing. I'm the one who screwed up! I'm the one who has never appreciated anything you did for me, I was so stuck up and selfish and mean to you! I don't even know if you could forgive me! And when you said what you said I was scared and happy at the same time and didn't know what to say so I panicked!" I was yelling, practically out of breath and angry at my self.

My face was red from blushing and being angry with me at the same time. My heart was pounding like crazy and I felt so nervous. Since when was I nervous around Henry?

I finally looked up at him into those wonderful blue eyes and I realized we were inches away from each other, looking into each others eyes.

He leaned even further in towards me to where I could feel his breath on me, we were so close until finally he leaned in and kissed me on my lips. His lips were so soft and just amazing that

I was in so much shock from it, but I still managed to kiss him back as we both wrapped our arms around each other deepening the kiss.

I felt him smile while he kissed me, and we both finally pulled apart for air.

We were both still smiling and still in each others arms, under the night sky with the moon shining down on us that made it where I wanted time to just freeze us there in that moment forever.


Hey, I hoped you guys liked this chapter I was gonna make it longer but felt like that was a good way to end a chapter! I was planning on making the next chapter Henry's POV comment if you guys want me to or not. And thanks for everyone who is commenting and voting! Tell others about the story too! Until next time! :)

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